Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday, Monday

I started doing pilates again because I want to be as toned and strong as possible. I debated for a long time about posting this photo. I don't think any woman looks good from this angle. But I decided the hell with it, I weigh 103 and I look damn good for a 35 year old diabetic.
I cleaned my kitchen yesterday. I scrubbed everything, even the hot water heater. Do you have things you don't like, but feel you ought to keep because someone gave it to you or there's nothing wrong with the item, it's just not your style? I discovered a bunch of things like that in my kitchen. I threw away some of it, but there's still a pitcher and some cut glass bowls taking up space. I just can't muster the courage to get rid of them. My aunt gave me the pitcher and the bowls belonged to my granny. I don't use these things but I feel bad about sending them to goodwill. I think I probably got this stuff because my relatives cleaned out their houses, they didn't really care about this stuff, and no one will ever know of I got rid of it...but still. Sigh.
I used to keep most of my tarot cards in this box. My Animal Messages deck wouldn't fit because it's too wide. I thought this box would be perfect for storing the feathers I use for magick. I took my cards out, polished the box, and then- the feathers are too long! I'm not sure what I'll do with this box now because

I have all my decks in here. I bought it at a quilt show. It's a tin made to look like a suitcase, the logos look like travel stickers, and it was full of quilting fabric. I have my guitar picks in there too. I have a lot of issues about how stuff should be arranged and stored.
I stopped using crystal ball magick for a couple of days, and what do you know, I made a whopping huge mistake so now I am picking out stitches. I need to either find a better way to travel with my ball, or get a smaller ball that's easier to carry. I sit in my truck and sew at work. Lots of people stop to see what I'm doing and I just don't want to explain about the crystal ball. My co-workers think I'm strange enough already.

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