Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Doings and Mutterings

It's off to the post office I go BECAUSE (eeep!) I made an Etsy sale! Goddess bless EmCat, she's my best customer.

HecateDemeter has a post about the most important book you've ever read. I realized the book which had the most influence on me, poetry wise, was this
And I suppose it's just me being weird that a book of prose made me love poetry. Whatever.

Mr. Dragon is doing extra work without receiving the pay. He's frustrated so I decided to help. Mundane help first, I gave him the cell number of the human resources guy. Witchy help second, I sat down with my crystal ball as soon as I got home.

And since I've been working with the ball again, I haven't made anymore sewing mistakes. I'm too lazy to get the camera and show you my progress. Maybe tomorrow.

Queen is still skittish. I haven't petted her again. She still chickens out at the steps. My landlord's wife came over this weekend and 'oohed and aahed' about how cute Queen is. She couldn't pet her either. Queen stayed firmly four feet away. I have never seen a dog so cautious.

I've been taking my pills, sticking to my diet, doing pilates, tending dogs and plants, and cleaning my house. I go to work every day. I try to keep my mouth shut so I won't hurt anyone's feelings. I realized I always fail at being good because it so god-awful fucking boring. All I can do for entertainment is think dirty thoughts. Sigh.


Kat of EmKatCreations said...

Just so you know, the "Damn It To Hell- BUY Something!" sign at the top of your blog worked :)

FreeDragon said...

That's me, being abusive towards customers ;)