Friday, April 6, 2012

It's the Anti-Diabetic Holiday

Easter sucks for diabetics. I can't eat the chocolate bunnies, the jelly beans, the gum drops, the marshmallow chicks, or the Reese's Eggs. I can have all the rainbow-colored hard boiled eggs I want, but what's the point? Who wants to eat that? I want this egg:
There isn't a more diabetic unfriendly holiday except Halloween but that's cool because Halloween has skulls and witches. I just can't get excited about rabbit decorations.

I used to go to church on Easter Sunday. I remember one Sunday we had a guest speaker in our Sunday school class. He was about 20 or so, deeply involved in religious studies, a zealot, and he was determined to make 10 five year-olds know the real Easter story so he described the crucifying in avid detail. I had eaten far too much candy before church. We were all sitting stock still in horrid fascination as he described Jesus' pain. We were feeling a bit guilty about not being good enough for a savior who died for us (or at least I was). He kept telling us about the blood...and the wounds...and I vomited everywhere. I think my teachers were relieved because they whisked us away and pushed the zealot out the door.

I celebrate Spring now. I used to get up early on the morning of the Equinox to make cinnamon rolls. Kevin never did really understand my holidays, but he loved the cooking part. His other favorite was Mabon when I would make a big Thanksgiving type dinner. He also really liked Beltane. I don't cook on that one.

I still decorate a tree or bush in my yard with plastic Easter eggs on the first day of spring, but I haven't really thought of a good food substitute. Warm cinnamon rolls are tough to replace.

If there's a such thing as a sugar-free chocolate Easter bunny please let me know.

1 comment:

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

Check here:

They even have sugar free peeps.