Thursday, February 2, 2012

Too Many Details

I have to go in to work an hour early Thursday for a meeting. At first I didn't think anything of it, then I wondered about the location of the meeting, and then I wondered why my team leader wasn't telling other people.


Am I in trouble? I didn't do anything. I asked Nene. She doesn't have to go.

Double uh-oh.

I've been racking my brain and I can't come up with a logical explanation for coming in an hour early. I assume if I was getting fired/laid off, they would have done it at the end of shift. So I'm good, right?

At lunch I read my cards. I couldn't get a clear reading because there are just too many elements swirling around. I got the demented joker (bad sign), I got the werewolf (confrontation dead ahead), but I also got protective dragons and a few hearts. The cards point at tradition, a new mate, and maybe a child. But I don't see what that has to do with my job and it tells me nothing about the nature of the meeting.

I have worried myself into a frazzle which is a stupid thing to do because it doesn't help at all. I intended to celebrate Imbolc when I came home, but my mind was so weary I wasn't sure I could do any useful magick. So I made biscuits.

When you have trouble, make bread. It is very soothing and requires focus. And unlike worrying yourself into a frazzle, you get a tangible, tasty result. If you screw up, no big deal. Feed the dog or the birds. Even your mistake is still useful.

I've eaten two biscuits now, and I feel much better. I am beginning to see how this situation mirrors my current life- lots of things I want, lots of things I could do, but I don't really know what's happening or what would be the best to focus on.

Instead of celebrating or casting or invoking, I think I'll just be still. I'll light a candle for the Goddess and wait. I might get a little guidance if I give Her a biscuit.

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