Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Man Lures

These are my gaudy earrings. I bought them when I was 13 years old because my mother said they were tacky and I love irritating her. I am 35 now. Shocking never goes out of fashion.

It was hard to get a good pic. The earrings are mirrored with hologram-catch-and-reflect-any-ray-of-light-in-all-colors squares. They look see-thru, but are actually solid. I should have picked a dark background rather than photographing them on my wood desk. Anyway, I can't be ignored with these flashy babies.

I wasn't thinking about attracting attention when I put them on. I was thinking I hadn't worn them in over a month. When I last wore them to work, all the women oohed and aahhed. Big earrings are IT at my job. It's like the only way we can express ourselves around the safety equipment we must wear. We have uniforms too. Companies are insistent on conformity. We rebels sneer at sameness. I want me some feather earrings. I found some cool black feathers with crystal beads. I do believe they would touch my shoulders. Awesome.

I put my earrings on and went to work. I can't see them, so I tend to forget how they shine and flash. As I was walking across the parking lot, a man I didn't know said, 'Hi!'

'Um. Hi?'


Next I noticed one of the Korean men looking at me. He was walking ahead of me and kept looking over his shoulder. What is he doing?

He opened the door for me. In the six months I have worked at this company, I cannot think of a single time any of the Koreans have held the door for me. Korean men do not have the same courtesy for women that American Southern Gentlemen do. Okaaay.

While I was clocking in, the Gent (friend of Red Beard) asked me if I was hunting. (huh?) He said my earrings sure did shine. I must be trying to lure people into coming close to me.

Ah. My earrings are man bait. And they appear to be working just fine.

Red beard walked by several times, staring so hard he was in danger of walking into boxes. Jeff stared and waved. Mr. Dragon lurked about. The forklift drivers tooted their horns and waved. James stopped working and stared. And stared some more.

I think I'll wear them again- on the full moon. I might get lucky.


Vivienne Moss said...

Can I borrow those shiny earings! I need me some "Man Lure".

Aine O'Brien said...

ohmygod - that is funny!! I think you need to make some of these and go into business. Think of the funny commercials you could make!

Alexis Kennedy said...

Lol, man-bait. If you can reproduce them and market them that way, I don't think you'll need to work there anymore ;)