Tuesday, November 15, 2011

State of Mind is EVERYTHING

Before heading off to work today, I decided I would be more friendly towards men. I will not reject them all for being imperfect. I will be nice. I will find out if he is nice. And then we'll go from there.

The Gent who opens doors for me sat down and we had a whole conversation. I was astounded. Before he was too nervous to look me in the eye. Two of the Gent's buddies also spoke to me. Neither are very talkative.

Mr. Dragon was even attentive. I'm shocked, I tell you.

As far as I can tell, I didn't do anything any different other than deciding beforehand to be nice. I didn't approach any of these guys. I didn't change my routine. I didn't wear a different perfume or use another kind of soap. My clothes were the same. I just decided to be a little more open-minded and it seems to be luring them in. I still haven't found one I'd like to take home, but it's a big factory and I haven't met all the men yet.

The only thing that didn't really go my way was Mr. Eyes. I decided I should just flat out ask if he is married. I never did get a chance to speak to him, but he was way more visible than normal. I don't know, maybe he's draw to my new mindset, too.

And on the way home, I saw about three times as many patrol cars as I usually do. I like a man in uniform. Maybe I should have exceeded the speed limit.


Vivienne Moss said...

Mr. right will show up in no time as long as you keep yourself open to possibilities. MAy you get the one you want.

Good Luck, V.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes being open minded is just the thing we need. Thanks for your comment on my blog.