Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mighty Hecate, Make It Right

Tonight (or yesterday as most of my readers are sleeping as I write) was Hecate's Night. I left Her an offering, a key as a present, and treats for Her dogs at a three-way crossroads.
Hecate is a bundle of contradictions.
She's a Dark Goddess.

She's a Lunar Goddess.

She is considered an Old Woman.

But She's also a Beautiful Woman and the Goddess of Sex

And She's the Goddess of Witches, Magic, and Death.

Hecate was the only Titan to retain Her powers after Zeus became king of the Gods.That means Her mythology is one of the oldest in the world and She is so powerful Her story gets woven into new cultures and beliefs.

Dogs are the only animals that can see Her and they howl whenever She is near. This may be one reason why I like Her, I am so not a cat person. I'm not all sunshine and rainbows either. Sometimes I'm a little hard to define. I don't think anyone can completely define Hecate. She's all mystery and possibility. That's why She's the Goddess of the Crossroad- She can go anywhere.

I like Hecate. I like that She's powerful, strong, wise, alluring, crafty, bold, gritty, raw, and awe inspiring. Whenever Hecate is involved, all the portals open and magick comes in a flood.


Vivienne Moss said...

Wonder post in honor of the Mighty Hekate. Thanks for sharing.

Blessings, V.

Anonymous said...

She is one that I pray to also!