Friday, September 9, 2011

Up Close and Personal- the Fridge

Let's move on and talk about something just for fun. I present MY REFRIGERATOR:

Here we have a thermometer (purchased solely because the deer reminded me of Kevin), some coupons, a magnetic bottle opener, and a recipe for a cherry pie I intended to cook for Kevin. I got a little Celtic knot artwork, some is just for show, but some of it is for spells. I did the dog one when Halona was fixed. The vet nicked one of her arteries, she started bleeding badly when I brought her home, and I had to rush her back. She spent several days in a cage at the vet's office looking miserable while she recovered. I visited her every day and I had to coax her to eat. I was really grateful when I finally got to bring her home.
On the other side of the freezer door, more art and a picture of Kevin.

Here is the side of the refrigerator. I have a soil test kit, a map of Tallapoosa County, a hand-written recipe, the dogs' rabies vaccination certificates, the vet's business card, and my current car insurance card. I also have a discount card to the local meat store; I think I've shopped there all of one time. There is nothing on the bottom door of the fridge because my dogs tend to knock things off.

I decided my fridge needs a make-over. I'm going to take everything off, wipe it down, and hopefully tomorrow I'll have something more interesting to show. I may demonstrate how I do my Celtic Knot spells. They're pretty easy and fun.

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