Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Where Do You Draw a Line?

I am sad today. I am losing my friend. I've lost too many friends. Air Witch says I've turned to a dark path. She's being having health problems and I was doing healing spells for her. She's asked me to stop, as if my energy is tainted and whatever I touch cannot be pure or good. That makes me angry. And very, very sad.

Air Witch is extremely uncomfortable with ghosts, spirits, and anything else that lies beyond the veil. I don't quite see it that way. I think if you fear death then you also fear life. I see the world in terms of cycles, beginning and endings. Some seeds need the cold of winter or they won't bloom in spring.

A few years ago, I was called to work with bones. I resisted at first. I don't think I could actually harvest a bone. All the bones I have are found. I can deal with a bone bleached by the sun, washed by the rain. I hold bones and feel the life that they once contained. Bones have much to say.

I began working with Oya, Goddess of cemeteries, the marketplace, storms, and beautiful cloth. All the things I work with anyway, save for the cemetery. That came later.

When I go to a cemetery, I ask Oya's permission to enter. I bring Her an offering. I listen to the bones. I might make rubbings of tombstones, but that's it. I don't cast spells, petition the dead, curse, hex, or anything else. I go in, touch the energy and leave.

Air Witch says this is satanic. I can't believe her thinking on this. I don't even believe in the devil. I would never hurt anyone. I cannot stand to see an animal suffer. Air Witch thinks dark things can follow me home, then there will be dark forces in my life.

I work several different kinds of magick. I view them all as separate. I touch ley lines. I hear the bones. I work with angels. I like runes. I use knot magick. I burn candles. I get in the kitchen with my herbs. If I light a candle does it matter if that spell came from a HooDoo source or a Wiccan source? If the spell is just lighting a candle and chanting, is there really a difference? At what point exactly, does magick become black?

Am I going dark? Because I don't think I am.


Living in Muddy Waters said...

IMHO people often see their own darkness in others. If you appear dark to her then maybe she is afraid to deal with her darker issues. Just a thought.

FreeDragon said...

I think there's something else in the works which she doesn't want to face and I, for whatever reason, am reminding her of it so she's ditching me like I'm the problem. To me this feels like a sudden change. And unfair too. I think what is bothering me the most is she tossed out 13 years of friendship in an EMAIL. It's tacky. Break up with me in person, please.

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

That's beyond frustrating. From what you've described I don't see anything 'dark' or 'satanic' going on; all energies are connected in some way. I like your description of working with the bones and personally, I see little difference working with found bones and working with found wood, it all contained life that can be honored.

Chrysalis said...

There is no such thing as dark with out light... so, I don't believe in going "dark". That said, you sound very balanced to me. More people would do well to learn that death is an integral and important part of life. Nothing to be feared and certainly not "dark". A person only needs to midwife a dying person to see this.
I am sorry your friend dumped you. And in EMAIL? That's horrible. It really is. No wonder you are hurt.
Peace to you!

Anonymous said...

I dont think any of that is dark magic. I have a thing for cemeteries myself. And since I am an empath the spirits seek me out. I think it unravels her because she fears the darkr side of herself and doesnt understand how you could be comfortable with it.