Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Little More About Keeping House

I have decided that the absolute worst housekeeping chore is filing away stacks of paper.

Here's the conversation I had with myself while cleaning off my desk:

Ooh, quilting patterns! I forgot all about these. Hhmmm, when did I cut these out? Paper-piecing, very nice. I'll put these over here.

Okay, more quilting stuff. Hey, I drew this one, it's a FreeDragon original. This is okay. I think. Maybe it sucks. I really can't draw.

Still more quilting stuff. I should really get around to making some of these. Why do I start things and never finish?

Tax papers. Whoa, I really don't make much money. At my age shouldn't I be more established in my career? Wait, I don't have a career, I have a job. And I've been with the same company on and off for ten years. I have a sucky career.

Let's see, this looks like Dad's handwriting. Oh yeah, he asked me to look this up on the Internet. Three years ago.

And more quilting stuff.

Here's directions to a house in GA. Better save this. I'll put it...I'm running out of room. I know! I'll put it in my computer's address book.

Wait. I never hooked up the computer after the move. Better crawl under the desk.

God it's dusty under here.

Okay. Got it. (some 20 minutes later after untangling all the cables) Now. I don't have her address. How did I get directions to a place I can't google?

Birthday cards. Did I send one on T's birthday? I did, didn't I? Maybe that's why she hasn't called in a while.

Tax stuff from three years ago and when I really didn't make anything. Sigh.

Okay, what's this? Instructions for how to build rustic furniture. Kevin can do this. If he has time. Never mind, it took him a year to replace the chair arms.

Cardboard. Why am I saving this? Guess I'll throw it out. No, recycle. I guess I could use it in the garden as mulch. I'll put it...somewhere.

Markers! Never opened! Cool! Oh, they're dried up. Toss.

This is a box of...old bills. Why am I saving this?

And here's a box of paper dollies. Why am I saving this?

Here's a box of stick on letters and numbers. There's no complete set left and I don't think I could make anything with any of them unless I combine sets. Too bad they're six different sizes in four different colors.

Pictures. Here's last Christmas, here's Panama City, and here's somebody's thumb.

I'm exhausted.

(Never did get the desk cleaned off; just ended up with smaller piles.)


Living in Muddy Waters said...

This is even funnier to me because I am going through the same process, but putting it all in boxes instead of taking it out.

FreeDragon said...

What really funny is I just moved. Why did I take all this junk with me?