Sunday, April 12, 2009

This Week

I'm at the library again. I decided to just blog every Sunday b/c I like to go to the library anyway and one post per week should be enough.
I have now unpacked everything but the sewing room. Every time I walk in there and think about how stuff I have I get depressed and go right back out. But I want to make something, anything, so it won't be long before I have to unpack. I did make a dreamcatcher b/c I had a horrible nightmare about Kevin being cut in half. He was at the house at the time of the dream and I woke up screaming, which frightned him badly. He called my name and told me to lay down, but since I was still sorta dreaming I thought his dead body was calling me to lay down and die too. SHUDDER!
We had a hail storm Friday. I have never seen so much hail in all my life. It covered the ground like snow. It was golf ball sized and it dented the truck mightily. No broken windshields. I can live with dents, they add character.
After the hail fell, the coolness of the melting ice produced an eerie fog. The hail broke several pine branches so the sharp tang of sap still lingers in the air. My flowers are broken, but they should come back. The herbs died. They were just too tender to survive the pounding and as the hail melted it left them standing in two inches of water. I replanted. Then I put a storm protection spell on the house.
Hail aside, every thing else in Tallapoosa County is well and good. This week I get to go buy a car tag, change the address on my license, and obtain a map so I can find out just where in the heck all those winding roads go. I still have to switch the power and water to my name and arrange for garbage pick up. There's a dumpster 2 miles down the road but I can't use it because that's Lee County and if the authorities catch me it's a $500 fine. I'm good right now but when I change the tag it's all over.
Also I have to obtain a house phone. My cell phone simply does not pick up and every morning as I drive to work the phone goes into a tizzy as soon as I pass into the city limits. Two new voicemails! One new Text message! Three missed calls! Answer your phone and speak to those who love you!
Sadly, I think my only house phone option will be AT&T. The good news is they probably have no clue how many times I've cussed them out.


Living in Muddy Waters said...

I kept googling Salem to see if you were getting hit by the storms. Glad to hear you are okay. That was a scary night!

FlightFancy said...

Happy you survived the hail. Spring weather is always fickle.

FreeDragon said...

Thanks for checking on me. I think we're having waaay too many storms this year.