Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Nothing According to Plan

Everything that could go wrong with the move did. The plan was for me to pack every thing and Kev would move me on Friday while I was at work.
On Monday I ran out of boxes.
Tuesday I ran out of tape.
Wednesday I blogged, drank too much wine, and went to sleep.
Thursday I packed a lot but had to stop and cook supper when Kevin came over.
Friday Kevin started building the dog pen. First he had to go get materials, then he had to dig holes, and when I got home at 4 he was just putting up his tools. I told him I'd wait until Saturday to move, because heck, I wasn't done packing.
Saturday he was called in to work.
Sunday it rained.
Monday Autumn Moon's husband agreed to come over with his trailer and he could get it all in one swoop. He was 3 hours late getting there, so I finally got moved into the new house on Monday night at 11pm.
I still am not done UNpacking.
This is hands down the worst move I've ever done.
But I have moved to the loveliest part of the state. I have the equivalent to Flat Rock Park, GA behind the house. I have a lovely green pasture, 150 acres in which to walk the dogs, springs and creeks, and charming little building nestled in the woods. I have more space, better heat, and hey, I like the gas stove- it cooks faster.
The dogs mind better now. I walk them every day and I am losing weight.
I still don't have Internet, thus I am blogging from the library. Also town is rather far away so when I get home I am there for the night.
The silence of the place has settled around me like silk. In the old house noise was constant- the hum of traffic, the jabber of neighbors, the rattle of the furnace. But here only the trees rustle. It is so wonderfully still that I don't even want to listen to the radio. The waving grass is music enough. I haven't even plugged in the tv.
I don't know when I'll post again. I plan to take lots of pictures so I can show you my nice new home. I haven't done anymore quilting b/c I've been too busy shuffling boxes back and forth. But I have decided that I need a simpler life so I turned down the sewing job. Yes I need the money, but I think it would be more trouble than it's worth and anyway, what they want me to make won't solve any of their problems, so to take a pointless job just for money would be an insult to integrity. There's something about walking in the woods everyday that encourages me to be a better person, so I urge all of you to find some trees and be at peace.

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