Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shadow People

I was going to talk about the path of least resistance but Muddy Waters asked about shadow people. To be perfectly honest, I’m not really sure what shadow people are, only that they creep me out. I’ve seen a few. I banished one of mine and I had to help banish another one that was bothering a friend, but I never saw hers. She was creeped out, too.
The picture you see to the left is just one I found by searching "shadow people" on Google Images. I just wanted to have some kind of a reference point because shadow can cover a lot. That picture looks like what I've seen.

The first shadow person I ever saw was in my high school auditorium. Now the building was brand new and I think that gives us one clue about them; shadow people seem drawn to emotions. Maybe they feed off them (like psychic vampires) or maybe shadow people ARE emotions that have somehow got trapped in this world. Since the auditorium was home to the school drama club and since all members were hormone riddled teenagers, there was plenty of strong emotions. The shadows in the school seemed to have more power as they could slam doors and make foot steps. The ones I saw were thicker, somehow. I could see through them but barely.

I was a teacher’s aide to the drama teacher and I spent a lot of time in the auditorium alone. Sometimes I would hear doors slamming backstage and after a long time Mr. H would come in though the outside door and I’d ask, Why were you backstage? He always say, I wasn’t. I thought he was lying to me until I realized that if he WAS backstage there would be no reason for him to go out the back door and walk all the way around the building to the side door. So one day I heard those doors slam and I went to see what was going on.

I found nothing. Nobody nowhere.

This happened a few times until I got smart and decided to wait backstage. I saw thick shadows cross the hall. I really thought I was just seeing things so I walked toward them. All the shadows disappeared. I checked the door- locked. I went back towards the stage and heard SLAM! I ran back and no one was there.

After that the shadows seemed to follow me whenever I was alone. Sometimes I’d see them standing between the curtains. Sometimes they’d come to me. The auditorium had a great sound system and when I had it all to myself I’d put a tape in, turn off the lights and just listen. It would be wonderful, like going to a concert hall. Then I’d sense a presence nearby. Slowly I’d open my eyes and see a shadow standing in front of me. I’d stare until it disappeared. Then suddenly I’d relax. I never did tell anyone what I saw. We had other ‘occurrences’ but nobody ever mentioned a shadow.

Our lead actor saw a woman in the mirror. The dressing room had a small bathroom with no door. Directly across from the opening was a counter with a full mirror. He came out of the bathroom, sat down at the counter and looked up. A woman in a white dress was standing in the bathroom. There was absolutely no way anyone could have gotten in without him noticing. I’m talking about maybe 8 feet of space here and only one door. He stared at her for a long time and then another actor opened the door and asked if he was ready. As soon as the door opened the woman disappeared.

Now that’s a ghost and not a shadow person. I don’t think shadow people are ghosts. Ghosts are definitely beings that were once living. Despite having a human form shadow people don’t seem to be living. Aware, yes. Able to interact, yes. But not living.

Some think that if enough people believe, or if one person believes strongly enough, ghosts can be created. Several years ago I read about an experiment were these scientists were going to debunk the spirit realm by creating a ghost named Philip. They then got several believers together, gave them a ouija board and told them to contact “Philip” Much to the amazement of the scientists, the seance produced good results of contact with Philip including his full name, date of birth and how he ‘died’ The debunkers thought that maybe they had stumbled upon an actual historical figure. Local records were searched and no Philip was found because he was a work of fiction.

So it could be that the shadow people at my high school were created by bored teenagers looking to scare each other. But that doesn’t quite explain how the rumors got started to begin with because remember I didn’t tell anybody. Of course our leading man told his ghost story but nobody else ever saw the woman. And that still doesn’t explain the Thing on the catwalk.
My friend T did not believe in ghosts. That was just silly. I’m not really sure who brought it up, but during one performance the ghost talk was flying and T decided to prove it was all a lie. So she grabbed a supporting actor and they headed upstairs.

Please remember this was DURING a play with a full house. Nobody was allowed on the catwalk. First of all it was dangerous. Nothing was nailed down to make it easier to access the spotlights which could only be moved manually. So lights were carefully set in place and then to make sure they stayed put we were all threatened with expulsion to keep us off the catwalk.
So T and this scrawny little freshman boy creep up the stairs. They carefully get on the catwalk. It’s dark. There are wires and cables every where. They sneak down to the very end and T says, ‘I told you nothing was up here.’

Then they see It.

At the far end of the catwalk was Something. It was dark and small, but they couldn’t see through it. Whatever it was hunched down, watched them for a minute and then ran straight at them.

T and Freshman hauled ass. T became a believer. I’m sure some of my readers are saying right now that someone played a joke on T, but that’s not what happened. It was T’s idea to go up and no one was on the catwalk. In order for the Thing to sneak past them it would have to wait on the support beams in the dark and then crawl silently into place. And it ran towards them in a space that was too confining to stand up in. Our catwalk was plywood laying over steel I-beams. It made a god-awful racket if stomped on it, yet the audience didn’t hear anything. The crew didn’t know anyone went up until T came thundering down the stairs dragging Freshman behind her. Mr. H didn’t appreciate all this backstage noise and he stormed up the catwalk intent on killing a student but nobody was up there. No one was out of place. Everyone was accounted for.

That Thing could be a shadow person. All T could describe of it was ‘black’ but as it ran that seems to suggest something with form. The shadow people I’ve seen seem to just appear and vanish. If they move they sort of glide. But the shadow in my house started out as a shapeless cloud that gradually took on a human-like form. Maybe the stronger they are they more solid they become.

A few years after high school T married a GI and had a baby. They lived on base in a housing unit. One day she called me and said there was a presence in the house. T wanted me to come over and take care of it because when you’re a Witch you get asked to do things. I have been asked to banish ghosts, predict deaths, throw curses, come up with winning lottery numbers, make people fall in love and stop severe weather. And I don’t even tell people I’m a Witch. I feel sorry for the Witches who are ‘out of the broom closet’ they probably get bombarded on a daily basis. Just to clarify I can get rid of ghosts, I don’t know when you’re going to die and I wouldn’t tell you even if I did, if I had lottery numbers I’d be rich, and while I can provoke a good case of lust I cannot make anyone fall in love for real, and yes I can affect the weather but it is foolish to mess with nature. On with the story.

T didn’t think it was a ghost. She thought it was evil. She said she often saw a man in the apartment. She never saw him directly just out of the corner of her eye or maybe for an instant as she glanced up. When she looked again he’d be gone. She said he was ‘shadowy’ What freaked her out was the breathing.

One morning her husband had worked all night and she had to pick him up. She was in the kitchen getting her purse and making sure the stove was off and dog had water when she heard heavy breathing. Thinking her husband had gotten a ride and was already home, she turned around to bitch about getting up for no reason and no one was there. Convinced someone had broken in, she ran upstairs to get her baby. The child was fine, but the animals were acting strangely, as if someone was in the house. T checked every room and found no one. She sacred to death and decided to leave. That’s when she realized the door was still locked.

To banish the shadow I sprinkled salt all over the house. I lit several candles. I placed a mirror in the center of the home to turn back negative energy. Finally I left crystals in the place where T usually saw the shadow. The crystals were to provide protection and peace. What I did worked because the shadow never returned.

1 comment:

Living in Muddy Waters said...

Hmmm...Yeah, I'm a theater person. Maybe that explains some things. That picture kind of creeped me out, though!