Saturday, February 14, 2009

50 Things About Me 21-40

21. I grew up in the house that Jack built.

22. The house had no air conditioning.

23. I ran away from home when I was 18.

24. I taught myself how to drive.

25. I got my first job when I was 17.

26. In high school I was in the drama club. I was stage manager.

27. At work I am the only female in the department.

28. I love to go to the river. If I stay away too long the river calls me.

29. This is the worst thing I ever did to get even- When I was 15 my boyfriend broke up with me for another girl. That was bad enough, but she bragged about ‘stealing’ him from me. Two years later I became her friend just so I could meet her current boyfriend. I then stole him from her and as soon as she knew about it I ditched the guy.

30. I like to sit on the porch and sew. If the porch was covered I’d stay out there a lot more.

31. It really bugs me when people don’t know the difference between its and it’s, and they’re, there, and their.

32. I used to live with a boyfriend who snored terribly. I would wait until he went to sleep and then I would go sleep in the spare room. In the morning when I heard his alarm clock go off I would come back to bed. I got away with that for a month before he caught me.

33. My sewing machine is a 1927 Singer and a blind woman gave it to me.

34. I can read 100 pages in an hour.

35. I have migraines.

36. I think people who litter are lazy and nasty.

37. I used to steal tennis balls for my dog.

38. I think squash is the nastiest tasting food on earth.

39. I drink my coffee black.

40. I’m near sighted. I wear contacts so no one will know.

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