Saturday, February 14, 2009

50 Things About Me 1-20

1.) I have a lot of seven’s in my life. I was born 1-7-77 at 1:27pm and the hospital’s address was 106. There are 7 letters in my first name and 7 letters in my last name. My father’s first name has 7 letters and so does my mother’s maiden name.

2.) I stutter.

3.) I graduated from a cow college. (It’s not really, people just call it that.)

4.) My grandfather was illiterate. I am the first person in my family to graduate from a four year university.

5.) I paid for most of my education myself. I never accepted a student loan.

6.) The largest object I ever manifested was a pool table.

7.) I have 2 mixed breed Labradors and neither one looks like a lab.

8.) I cannot resist when my dogs beg.

9.) I am a descendant of William Weatherford. To find out who this is you will need to Google Chief Red Eagle.

10.) The farthest away from home I ever traveled was to Dallas, TX. I have never been outside the South.

11.) I am a somnambulist.

12.) I’ve had poetry published in small presses.

13.) I once made a very ugly scrap quilt to be auctioned for ovarian cancer awareness and it sold immediately.

14.) The most beautiful quilt I ever made was for my aunt’s birthday.

15.) I am very bad at math.

16.) I come from a family of witches but they don’t think it’s witchcraft.

17.) I have a green couch.

18.) I have a white truck and I am very proud of it because it was my first brand new car and I paid for it all by myself.

19.) I sleep on a featherbed that my great-grandfather built.

20.) I am allergic to latex.


nefaeria said...

Cool! Looking forward to the rest.

Living in Muddy Waters said...

I'm allergic to latex, too. I hope you didn't find out the same way I did. ;)