Thursday, April 25, 2024

Up & Down

 Yesterday was really good. Great even. A spell I've been doing for 6 months finally started taking off. That made me ecstatically happy. I sang all the way to town. My two errands breezed by with zero problem. I decided to stop at the thrift store. I was certain I could find something cool. And I did. I found something I have been wanting, but thought I wouldn't find.

I'm sure you are wondering why I want a fake bible. It's because I saw a Witch on tiktok who altered one of these into a spell book. She repainted it, then added her favorite spell, and now it sits on her altar. I thought that was a fabulous idea. I know what spell I want to use. I haven't seen anything like this in ages, then I feel good and it's at the thrift store waiting for me. I was totally stoked. I also got a couple of frames so I could make more horse art. 

I came home, finished my housework, and worked in the garden. Gardening always makes me happy. I am planning to make a bean tepee for my daughter. I figured out where it should be, and how to set it up. Then I decided where my next section will be. I'm planning a 3 sisters plot. 

Then the boys came home. 

My husband wanted Middle Son to repair a tiller. We have several, but only one was running. I planned to use it for the 3 sisters, but before I could break ground, our neighbor borrowed the tiller. He broke it. He instantly offered to repair it, but meanwhile I can only break up as much ground as my aching back will allow, which isn't much at all. So Hubby had the idea of Middle Son fixing another tiller for me, Youngest Son could till for me, and Hubby would pay them both so they'd have money to spend on whatever useless junk teenage boys like to buy. 

Middle Son has been in a bad mood all week. When Hubby was trying to tell him what to do, Middle Son started rolling his eyes, sighing dramatically, and acting very inconvenienced. Hubby got annoyed, so he didn't bother explaining why he wanted the tiller fixed. I walked past the window and saw Middle Son bitching. I could see he was ranting while throwing tools on the ground. I called him inside. I told him pitching a fit was immature. He completely denied doing what I had just watched. Hubby got angry, explained he was going to pay him, but never mind now. Instantly, Middle Son started begging for another chance. We sent him out to put away tools, and told him we would be having a conversation about whatever was bothering him whether he wanted to talk or not. 

Of course, Middle Son would not say what was bothering him. I think there's several things. He did name one- he didn't want to swap bedrooms, and saw no reason to do that because he's moving away next year. We asked him before we swapped rooms. We explained why. He said ok. We said there were other things we could do if he didn't want to swap. He said it was fine, he didn't care. Then he had a meltdown yesterday about the bedroom. I pointed out if he moves he can't take that room with him, so he would be sleeping someplace totally different anyway. He started crying. I told him we did not get rid of any of his stuff, and I gave him several chances to speak up. I told him if he did not say what was bothering him, then he no right to complain about it later. He promptly clammed up again, so I expect another melt down before the weekend is over. 

This morning, I found the vape.
I was watering plants when one of the chickens began squawking like she had laid an egg. I didn't find an egg, but decided to look in other places the chickens nest. They were nesting in an old truck. My father-in-law has replaced the floor panels, so I didn't think the chickens could get in anymore, but I decided to open the door. The vape was laying on the floor. I'm certain this is old. I remember months ago, Middle Son was going in the truck constantly, often right in front of us. That's what he does; passive-aggressive sneaking. I have looked in other cars, but not all of them. No doubt I will find another vape. 

Dealing with Middle Son is exhausting. Trying to figure out what they boys are hiding is also exhausting. I'd like to have one good day without anything going wrong, then I could just cherish whatever small good thing happened. But no, the only constant is one of my sons being upset about something that doesn't really matter. 

Blessed be, my dears. Stay safe and well away from teenagers.

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