Monday, May 3, 2021

Checking In

 Still no battery for the tablet, thus no daily blogging. Or weekly for that matter.

I am still focused on selling mirrors. I took stock of what supplies I already had on hand, then got started. 

I am currently without an altar. two months ago, creepy neighbor asked if I still had the sewing machine he gave me. I said yes, and he said he might want it back because his nephew is a tailor. That really pissed me off on a couple of levels, the first one being that he didn't put any stipulations on the sewing machine when he gave it to me. He said I was doing him a favor because it was in his way. Also, I think after you gift something, it's not yours anymore, so don't ask for it back. And I was using the cabinet. That was the best altar I've ever had. 

He never would come get it. This past weekend I sent the boys to take everything back, cabinet, sewing machine, and all. They told me creepy neighbor had to clean out a place in his shed for it. Last night it rained. I hope the cabinet was ruined. 

I am bummed that I lost my best altar, but I am relieved that I no longer have anything from creepy neighbor. Getting rid of the cabinet freed up a lot of space. 

The foxes aren't killing my chickens anymore. I don't believe they're gone. I am really glad I didn't have to kill foxes. 

The boys are bigger pigs. Their closet is a mess. They don't do chores until I have a screaming fit. 

The older one is failing 8th grade. He is 15 and already 2 years behind. He simply turns in blank assignments. There is less than a month left of school. There's no way he can pull up his grades. At best, all he could do is not let things get worse. 

I still won't let him have his phone. He has told me the pornography he was watching wasn't that bad. He doesn't see anything wrong with watching people be degraded and hurt. He thinks the videos weren't real. He absolutely does not understand how it affects him. 

The boys usually go visit their aunt in the summer. She was supposed to talk to her husband, then call us back with a date and time frame. She never did. Husband decided the boys won't go if she won't talk to him. I am glad he came to that conclusion on his own, but I have doubts about him sticking with it. 

I have a show coming up! The first since 2019! I don't even know what to do. It's almost like a first show. I missed doing shows. I miss galleries. I miss talking art. I miss receptions. 

I have less pain from the accident, but I am still not completely healed. I have noticed I am more likely to be in pain if I am under stress. 

I am still selling on Facebook, but I stopped trying to sell on Instagram. I decided to leave it personal. I also gave up on Pinterest selling. I don't want to hustle every single day, and I don't care what anyone says, selling on social media platforms IS a lot of work. It takes more than 5 minutes a day, and it takes a very long time to build a following willing to buy. 

I am reading the cards every day. Gradually, I am understanding them again. I would like to get to a point where I can post my readings on this blog, but until I fix the tablet that isn't going to happen. 

I'd like to come back on Friday and tell you if anything changed, or if I was able to meet my goals. Weekends are still very hectic for me, so I don't know if I will get a chance to write. Until we meet again, blessed be.

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