Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Fuck Me Running

We have tried several sleep aids so my stepson will actually sleep at night. I don't like drugging him. But if I don't give him the pills he wanders around the house all night. Of course, he does this with the pills, too. His doctor isn't much help. He said we need to keep experimenting until I found the right combination.

Sunday night I tried spacing out the pills, working on the assumption that he couldn't fight every dose already in his system. He was asleep at 9pm when I gave him the last pill. I thought it worked. What I didn't take into consideration was if he would stay asleep.

All day Monday, he was sleepy. I thought this was because he hasn't slept in days so he had a lot of catching up to do.

The boys argued a lot Monday.

Monday night, the whole family went to bed early. Constantly waking to the sounds of someone snooping is tiring.

At 10:30 my stepson knocked over my husband's drink on the night stand.

Will spanked him. Everyone went back to bed.

Except we kept hearing noises. So Will got up to check. And discovered our stepson with his tablet. That is why he was in our bedroom, he was looking for the charger.

He didn't sleep all night Monday. He got up in the middle of the night to steal the tablet. He was sleepy because he had been awake since 2am. They were arguing about who should play games or use the Internet.

We took the tablet away. We sent everyone back to bed. We sat up in bed for a while trying to figure out the best solution. I put passwords on my devices because I'm pretty sure he will try to steal mine next.

This morning when my husband was getting for work, I heard a strange noise. I yelled for stepson to go to bed. Husband tried to leave but his backpack was missing. That was the sound I heard, stepson taking the bag into his room so he could get the charger. He won't admit it, but evidently his plan was to steal the tablet again. Meaning he learned nothing and doesn't care if it's wrong.

Not sure what I should do here. Even if I get him to sleep at bedtime, I can't ensure he stays asleep. I could give him more pills at midnight, but this disturbs my sleep and still doesn't mean he won't wake before I do. Hiding things doesn't keep him from going through the house. And I can't hide everything. There's nothing to stop him from getting steak knives and being destructive. Every time I think we've put up everything, he gets into something I didn't realize would be a problem. He ate sugar straight out of the jar. I can lock our bedroom door, but I worry that he will hurt my daughter and I won't hear with the door shut. I've got him in counseling. We've started testing to figure out what conditions we're dealing with. None of this solves problems immediately. I'm really tired of trying to help him. He doesn't want help. He doesn't want to change or deal with reality.

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