Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Summer Solstice Eve

Today's post is about the work I'm starting, which began because I decided to get rid of a book because the rituals in said book aren't working for me. I rewrote them, changed things to suit my needs, put things in the correct order, then came up with a list that is doable for me. And then I picked out more books to give away. Release is always an important consideration in Magick. What are you willing to give up to get what you want? This would be the sacrifice part. Though sometimes it's more like a trade.
I'm going to be doing a lot more with my garden. To garden is to believe in the future. More food should come from here, and more Magick, and more good health.
The orange seed I planted never came up. I'm just going to let it go.
I never did show you the change to my kitchen. It's working out very well with the pot holders and oven mitts. Nothing has fallen and they hide the torn wall paper.
I went ahead with changing my signs. Even though summer starts tomorrow, I want to be ready.
And that is why I did a ritual today to empower my mirror. I've used this for Magick lots of times. I decided to make it an everyday tool in my practice. I'm using it to bring things to me. I've made 2 wishes so far.
Now, on to the work I will be starting tomorrow. This is my journal. I've been writing all day. This is where I rewrote the rituals. I decided to do one a month. I have matched these with the moons. Every month I will make a quilt block. I picked blocks whose names match the theme of the ritual, and my spell/intent matches the moon energy. I'm starting with Earth, my block is Mariners' Compass, and my spell is keeping my family on a happy, prosperous path. I'm doing a quilt-as-you-go method. My quilt will have 12 blocks. There were 14 rites, so I made my last two rites the border and empowering the quilt as a whole. This was the only way I could see to do Magick on a regular basis while keeping it secret, making it fit into my life, and getting art done in the process. I've made some other changes, like having a vision board for each moon to keep me on track. I haven't set up the vision board yet. That will be done tomorrow. I'm also going to try a brief meditation before sewing to settle my mind. I may set a particular time of day for sewing. Right now I sew after housework and errands. Which results in me realizing most of the day is gone and I've accomplished nothing. I don't like that, I feel like too much time is wasted. I love to sew, it makes me happy, so I think it should have greater priority.

What are your plans for the solstice? It's an excellent time to jump into a project full force.


fluffy said...

Definitely what makes you happy should take more priority. I like your plans for the quilt and incorporating magic everyday without making it obvious. On the solstice I did some mindfulness meditation, worked in my garden and generally tried to ground myself with the earth. I plan on continuing to be more open about who I am and also discovering that for myself. Love Fluffy x

FreeDragon said...

That's wonderful! The summer solstice has themes of being true to yourself, as well as beginnings wrapped in endings.