Thursday, March 14, 2024


 Well, I was right- I posted a pic of a nude woman and Pinterest banned a different picture for the same violation. I deleted a lot myself. I'm trying to use up my pins. Things I want to keep, I saw to my computer. I hate what Pinterest has become. 

But moving on to better things, I have garden porn!

I have started the new garden in the backyard.
I planted some of my dad's old onions in the barrel last year and they are doing great. I had the boys move this for me. 
Yesterday, I planted two different kinds of lettuce and a micro greens mix. My beds are made out of the old poles from a temporary garage and some firewood. I have been laying screens over the beds to keep the chickens from eating my seeds. 
These purple flowers are everywhere. I left one or two in the beds. 
My apple trees in front of the studio. They are also doing well.
This is my lavender tower. I would like for it to be filled, but lavender grows slowly. Every year, I plant a whole packet of seeds, which results in maybe 1 plant. I refuse to give up.
Compost buckets for kitchen scraps. I don't think I can become zero waste, but I do like knowing that rotten veggies become fuel for future gardens. 
Potting table.
Orange trees grown from seeds. 
More orange trees. They will move to the garden today. I must bring them in at night because it still gets too cold for them. 
I re-potted my peppers. I planted three different kinds. I had around 30 or 40 plants. Then the cat attacked them. I moved them to the top of the laundry room cabinets, which minimized cat attacks, but it also caused me to forget to water them. Most of my plants died. Next year, I will have the indoor greenhouse ready, and our cat can fuck off.
My tire garden of mint, stonecrop showcase, and strawberries. I had a geranium, but the cold killed it. I think I may buy more strawberry plants to replace it. 

The moon is still in Taurus today, so I will be planting flowers and herbs. I just got tired yesterday. I tried to rest often, and just do a little bit at a time, but this was still a lot of work. By the end of the day, I had ran out of energy. I also made a new terrarium, but I didn't take a picture. What I plant today, I will post pictures of tomorrow. 

Blessed be, my dears. Stay safe and well. 

1 comment:

Oracle Foxlyn Wren said...

Yeah I went on pinter the other day after reading your post, and just did some house cleaning. Like FB, I had some "violations" but it refused to show me what the violation was. Which normally it would show me the "offending" photo. It's all annoying.