Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Day Blogging

 I am writing from my phone, so no pictures. It is a rainy Christmas in my part of the world, so my back aches miserably. A cold front is on the move. And it's a full moon, so happy Oak Moon! 

I have already started on my new year plans. I decided my theme will be simplicity. I will do whatever is easiest for me, and the hell with how anyone else feels about it. For a couple of years now, I have been trying to get Christmas cards printed. The first year, I went to every drug store in town. All the photo machines were out of order. The next year, same problem. This year I waited too late. I just went through my life control binder and found the art. And I wondered why I couldn't print out my own cards. So that's what I will do. Simple.

I bought a metal row of hooks which hangs over the door. This is how I organized my cleaning tools. Now my broom, dust mop, and dust pan are together in the laundry room, but out of sight behind the door. Every morning, I run the dust mop around the ceiling molding. Then I sweep, then use the dust mop on the floor. If needed, I use the steam mop. At the end of the day, I wipe down handles and the dust pan. I change out pads. I am thinking of making a spray potion. I have a few essential oils. I can hook the spray bottle on the over the door hooks. Just spitz my broom and spread lavender throughout the room. The house looks much better, and none of this takes long to do. 

On Yule I started deep cleaning my studio, but I didn't finish. I plan on another deep clean at the summer solstice. I am going to use the same hook set up for the studio. I did make a peppermint oil spray bottle because bugs and mice are a problem. 

I have started planning my garden. My apple trees are going on either side of the studio entrance. I want a tomato tunnel. Maybe a cucumber tunnel, too. 

I am still working on turning my grandmother's china cabinet into an indoor greenhouse. I decided to line the inside with mirrors and lights. 

I downloaded an app to learn Latin, which isn't simple, but it has been a goal of mine for a while. 

2024 is the year I make the star quilts using the pattern my father drafted for me. My little daughter can help sew.

My dears, I am getting sleepy and dinner time approaches. Blessed be, and merry Christmas. 

1 comment:

Fluffy said...

Merry Christmas to you