Thursday, May 18, 2023

Rolled the Jeep

 Last night, my sons went to the store with two friends. They were gone way too long. Two hours later, I called Youngest Son. He told me they were on the way back. (This was a bald faced lie.) 20 minutes later, I start texting, asking why they still aren't home. After I hit send, I heard a car. 

But instead of our jeep, it was the father of another friend with Youngest Son. He finally told us he swerved to avoid a deer and rolled the jeep. Do you want to know where this accident occurred?

This picture was taken from my driveway. See the fork where the dirt road branches off from the paved road? There's a little ditch just past the fork and that's where the jeep was. That is a 3 minute walk. So they had an accident, probably because of playing around, singing with the radio, looking at phones instead of the road, tried to avoid hitting something (I doubt it was a deer), and then stood on the side of the road in the dark and refused to walk 100 yards while they came up with a cover story. 

That's why I'm pissed off.

The boys had already screwed up yesterday. They didn't clean even after I said something repeatedly, they threw clothes on the floor, and Middle Son took his cell phone to school even though his grades are in the toilet. So we had gotten onto them about those things, they lost video games because of it, and instead of chilling out and minding, they just had to go for a joy ride, which resulted in a wrecked daily driver. 

Last night, when we finally got to bed, both me and my husband tried to tell Youngest Son what to do about his back pain. He did not listen to us. This morning, I was trying to talk to him. I was trying to tell him to use ice and take pain meds. He kept walking off during the conversation, so I just said fuck it and let him go. I tried again later, but he decided to act like a brat and throw things. So, fuck it. Be miserable all day. 

My advice to you is don't let teens borrow the car. Blessed be.

1 comment:

Fluffy said...

My teen doesn't want to learn to drive thank goodness. Sorry about your car x