Monday, May 22, 2023

A Lot

 I am exhausted today. I have a lot to talk about. I will probably have to start writing and come back several times throughout the day.

Yesterday, Z got married. I wasn't part of the wedding planning, but I still got roped in. All of the adults figured out where they would be, but nobody thought about the children. I only thought about mine. So my grandchildren, who were in the wedding, did not get ready until we arrived. My youngest granddaughter's dress was left at our house. I didn't realize it was at my house. Sister-in-law went back to get it. She missed the wedding, so she threw the dress on the ground and stomped off crying. I really wish we could do at least one family event without someone pitching a temper tantrum. 

My mother had her teeth pulled Thursday. I have been struggling to get her to take her meds. Saturday, I decided to watch her take them. She wouldn't take them while I was there because she was waiting for dinner to take them with food. So I worked in the greenhouse until I disturbed wasps. Then I went home and showered. I painted my nails for the wedding. I used three coats of nail polish, and they still look nice. I feel very proud of myself, even though I don't think anyone noticed my nails. 

I also wore actual heels to the wedding, which I regretted. I have blisters on my toes. Walking became difficult, so I took them off. Then the first dance was announced and I realized I would probably dance with Z since I was the only mother present. So I put my shoes back on while the bride and groom danced. Then we had reached the limit on the room rental, so as soon as the dance ended, my husband played "Closing Time" and everyone left. I took my shoes off and hobbled painfully to the car. Walking across the hot pavement was painful, but I couldn't bear to put my shoes on. My daughter decided to copy me. She immediately put her sandals back on once we were in the truck. Having seen countless wedding photos, I decided I really need to lose weight. My pearls were snug against my neck. My daughter inherited my hair, so it did not stay up despite all the hairpins. My husband did not realize until the day of that he does not own dress shoes. 

Friday, I had the boys help me with the potatoes. I had potatoes planted in three tires. I moved the tires over to the studio and harvested what was in the tires. I did take pictures, but I don't have them now, so just trust me when I say I filled the kitchen sink with potatoes. I must have had at least 60. They were small, but I had so many that it doesn't matter. I put the biggest ones in our crate, and I send a lot to my in-laws. We added another tire since that was a successful harvest. 
I planted lavender at Beltaine. It's coming up now. Happy about that.
When I photographed the lavender, I discovered that the potatoes I planted Friday have already made plants. I have decided to focus mainly on growing food. I think my next project will be growing mushrooms. I love mushrooms. The boys love them too. My husband is allergic. Mushrooms seem to be fairly low effort. I have plenty of shade and unused yard, so I think it would work well for me. 

I also decided to harvest my father's onions. And I decided to store them like I did with the garlic- in jars of vinegar. I harvest garlic last year, put the cloves in vinegar and they are still good. I think onions would work the same. I called myself digging up all the garlic, but there is another hardy batch of flowering stems at Homestead. I think I will sell it. That was the whole point of putting the garden by the studio- when people come to buy art, they can buy food as well. In the past I made pepper sauce and my husband sold it as fast as I could make it. I would be willing to trade produce with my neighbors, as I can't grow everything we like to eat. 

Thursday, after I drove my mother home from the oral surgeon's office, I went back to town to pick up her script. The pharmacy closes at 1:30 for lunch. I arrived at 1:37. Not wanting to drive back home, I went to the bookstore. I follow Lisa Marie Basile on Instagram. I love the life she has made for herself. I haven't read very much, but I am enjoying the book. I love the paper and the gold leaf pages. The book feels nice to hold. I thought this would be helpful with my journal rituals. 

Also, good news- my cousin did online searches for the owner to the car involved in my accident and I think I know where she is hiding to avoid being served. I think she is in her parents' house. Bonus- it is on the same street where my grandparents lived in Phenix City. I haven't been by yet because I have been tied up with the wedding and my mother's surgery, but I have more addresses and that makes me hopeful. 

I have other things I could talk about, but I am getting tired. I have had several low sugars this morning. This is the last week of school for my children. My daughter has a few lessons left. Once summer break begins, I can start working in the studio instead of doing homeschool. I am really looking forward to summer. I swore when I graduated from college I was done with education. I didn't think about parenting and the absolute failure of the American public school system.

Blessed be. Stay safe, my dears. 

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