Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Witch Wednesday

 I don't have very long to write; today is busy and stressful.

Our card of the week is the five of coins. Lots of between places- between the trees, over the earth but in the air, and the labyrinth. Labyrinths are clearly defined spaces that expand the mind; this is the ultimate between place. I would like to discuss this, but alas, time does not permit. 

I've gotten the bells figured out in my studio. The next step is start blowing bubbles for prosperity. Bubbles fall under air magick. I will explain more later.

I have a business altar of sorts. My daughter gave me the candle holders. I am going to put LED tea lights in them. I also have a plan for the root, which will become a type of wand. 

My husband got the wheel restored. He disposed of the broken plow handles and straightened the axle so the wheel could spin freely. I have decided where to put it, along with the hook. This week has been jam packed, and it rained A LOT over the past four days. I have been aching because of it. Thus, I was unable to garden.

I did manage to clear the ground for a garden. I am planning a rain barrel. I cleaned off the metal shelves, now I need to put them in place. I may start doing home school lessons in the studio so that I can get some work done. My daughter loves the studio, so I doubt she will object.

I have thought more about magickal hours, working by the clock, and what type of spells I could do. I've also thought about setting intentions before doing any mundane activity. I know I'm rushing. I am just mentioning things without going into any explanation. But writing it all out will take a while, and like I said, I am very busy today. I finally got my mother to a dentist. He is sending her to an oral surgeon this afternoon. I wasn't ready for yet another appointment to be added to my list of things to do, but the quicker Mom's teeth are taken care of, the quicker she can have surgery on her ears. The dentist said pulling the bad teeth should clear up all the infection. Meaning two weeks after the teeth are removed, she would be able to have the surgery. Then her life would be better and mine would be less complicated. So I've got to run- it's almost time for the consultation with the oral surgeon. 

Blessed be, my dears. I will write a real post soon, I promise.

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