Saturday, March 25, 2023


 Good afternoon, my dears. This morning, the boys left for their aunt's house. I have been cleaning and organizing all day, because when they are gone, the house stays clean. So far, I cleaned the top of the cabinets and organized my canning jars. I also reset some wards. Then I washed my collection of pitchers. Scrubbed the shelf, then organized the cabinet with plates and glasses. Then I scrubbed the counter, and put all my oven mitts, pot holders, two curtains, and my daughter's sheets in the wash. I also washed, then filled dog food bowls. I cleaned part of the porch, then I wiped down flower pots, and watered my mint. I have started planning a garden around my studio. My next project is to clean the bookcase. I am tired, but that means I will sleep well tonight. My house is starting to shine, which makes me happy. Blessed be.

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