Friday, March 24, 2023


 No pictures today. 

I'm not sure how long I will be writing. I thought I didn't have anything to talk about, then I thought of more and more things.

First up- the evil, yellow, devil dust strikes again. I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose and gasping for air. This is probably because I went out to the studio a dozen times yesterday, and then left the door open while I worked. I started organizing my products. I tried to keep like things together, but in some areas I had a lot of empty space, and in other areas I was overcrowded. I still need to find a way to cover everything. Some of it won't fit in boxes, and I don't like having to wrap up things in plastic bags. I might use cloth to cover each shelf. 

I also took a lot of unfinished projects to the studio. And found some things I had forgotten about. No, I still do not have all the projects in one place. But there has been an improvement, and that's better than nothing. 

I posted on Deviant Art this morning. First time in a while. When I started reclaiming the studio, I stopped creating. I would really like to sew more. 

I did figure out some things about my one year quilt. You know, the one I was too busy to do on January 1st. And now it's the end of March. So anyway, I found my hexagons. I decided to sew on a hexie every day, and I will probably go in a spiral, and if I really feel creative, I can embroider something to the hexagon. And I think that makes more sense. It will look better.

I haven't done any gardening either. I did buy a wind spinner and a hummingbird feeder. 

I have been feeling really tired. Like muscles aching as if I climbed a mountain tired. I'm not sure how much is a histamine intolerance flare, or from pollen making it hard to breathe. Maybe it's both. 

Also, small things stop me. Let's say I want to change the sheets. When I go in the bedroom, I will find stuff piled on the bed. So I will put all that away, then take off the sheets. When I put them in the washing machine, I will discover that we are out of laundry detergent. Knowing the boys did laundry last, I will question how many loads actually got clean. Then I go to the store, and it's dumb to drive to town for one thing; might as well buy all the groceries. Then I will come home, start putting things away, find more stuff out of place, get tired...and when I try to lay down, I will see the bare mattress, which reminds me that I still haven't started the washer, or put clean sheets on the bed.

Speaking of mattresses, my husband announced this morning that we need a new one. I hate shopping for large purchase items. We never agree on anything for the house. Not right off the bat. We go to several stores before finding something we both agree on. But Will has decided a new mattress is the answer to his sore body and restless nights.  

I am still checking on my friend who attempted to end her life. She seems to be okay, but she seemed that way before, so my mind is not at ease. 

Still have not heard anything about my traffic accident case. 

Credit card is paid down. I still have a large balance, but it isn't maxed out now.

Next week is spring break. Despite Middle Son sneaking electronics and Youngest Son skipping school, then lying when caught, my husband has decided both boys should go to his sister's house in Hunstville because we need a break. This is after he told both boys that they couldn't go. I predict this will go badly. But on the other hand, life is much easier when the aren't here. The house stays clean, I don't have to yell, and we can sleep uninterrupted all night.  

The pony has started bolting every time I try to tether him out for fresh grass. I can't catch him. Apparently, this is a bad habit I was supposed to nip in the bud immediately. But I thought he was spooked by a tarp flapping in the wind. I had the boys move his stall, but he still bolts. I can't catch him. I have to wait until he comes to me to take the lead off. This is also a habit that should have been nipped. I haven't researched answers yet. All the horse forums have one lady asking a question, then 32 assholes telling her either she is really screwing up, or that behavior is characteristic of a certain breed, and by the way, she's still a dumbass who doesn't understand horses. It's depressing to read. 

I started putting silk flowers on the table. I don't much care for silk flowers because they aren't real, and no matter how nice they look, I just see the fakeness. But the cat steals real flowers out of the vase, regardless of how out of reach they may be. He has jumped onto of the refrigerator to eat flowers my daughter picked. But I like having flowers on the table. So I am using silk. I feel a variety of conflicting emotions. 

I've been on TikTok a lot. I've watched some of Congress deciding if they should go on with the ban. Why the fuck are people who know absolutely nothing about how an app works getting to decide the fate of an app 150 million Americans use? I have decided to enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts, then I will probably be on YouTube since most creators are going over there. Or the computer nerds will make a new app for us, and we'll all use that. I saw one financial analyst saying the government won't ban TikTok because our country owes China too much money, however, our government is known for doing really stupid things. There's too much community sharing useful information. The government is trying to defund libraries and the department of education. I just can't see them letting it continue, nor do I see how they could restrict it. I don't think the government could dumb down TikTok to the point of ruining it for everybody. They'll just ban it. 

Haven't been on Facebook much. Too many fascists. Actually, it's too many people who think banning books won't apply to them, or they are really stupid enough to think those books are bad and should be banned. They don't really understand that the government shouldn't tell us how to live, and if we ban books then we are banning ideas. If we ban ideas, we aren't free. It's not going to stop with one idea or one group of people. And when they come to your house, there won't be anyone to fight for you, so just quietly go to jail. 

Fight, my dears. Don't let the hellscape drag you down. Blessed be.   

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