Thursday, August 18, 2022

You Spin Me Right Round

 I didn't take insulin with dinner last night because my sugar was really good and I thought there would be some adult activity at bedtime. I woke up with a very high sugar, so I started hooping because exercise lowers sugar. 

I have been watching Witches on tiktok again, which inspires me to do more Magick. It suddenly occurred to me to manifest because I got the circle, rhythm, and motion. I picked money because I always need that. 

Y'all, I dropped my hoop. I never drop the hoop. Either I can't focus while hooping, or I have a block to prosperity. I am leaning towards block, probably several, because money is always a problem and we just had a badly clogged drain. Actually, I don't think the clog is gone because the washing machine still isn't draining properly. 

I also found out I am storing trauma in my body. I thought that was ridiculous until I realized I had every one of the symptoms. Undoubtedly my thoughts on money would be affected. 

So, appropriate actions- maybe pour drano down the pipe for the washing machine. I am intending to take both appliances out of the laundry room to clean and service them. Cleanse both laundry room and where I hooped with sound. And do yoga to release trauma. Maybe try feng Shui. Get some crystals so I can heal. 

I hope everyone realizes Witchcraft is a lot of work. One spell utterly failed, now I have to rethink my whole life and get busy with changes. Christianity is so passive. All I could do in that religion is pray and when nothing happened, I would presume I was unworthy of wealth. Or maybe I would think it was bad to ask for money. Either way, I would stay in poverty. This is why organized religion hates Witches. We cannot be controlled.

Blessed be, my dears.

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