Sunday, August 21, 2022

Everything Worked Out


Good Sunday to my dear readers! I wanted to tell you about something that worked out better than I imagined. Yesterday I went to the library. Across the street is a cemetery. I have been wanting to restock my graveyard dirt because I had used it all in a spell. I didn't have any container to put the dirt in. I debated even going in the cemetery. I finally decided I could visit and if the Universe agreed then I would find some way to carry graveyard dirt home. I walked around and found what looked like an antique power line insulator buried in the ground. I dug it out with my keys. It was indeed an antique insulator, but it was broken in half. However! The insulator is packed with graveyard dirt! So, I found a cool thing (which I am thinking of scrying with), and I got enough graveyard dirt for my needs! Isn't that wonderful? Blessed be!

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