Tuesday, June 21, 2022

First Day of Summer


Life is still stressful. Pictured above is my sleeping daughter. I noticed her feet were uncovered so I tucked the blanket in. Less than 3 minutes later, her feet were out again. 

My allergies are full blown itch-fest. I think it's just a bit of annoying chemical in my not-quite-safe soap and shampoo, mingled with the full-on stress of my life. I have managed to keep the rashes from turning into an oozing bloody mess. I still have rashes; nothing has gone away. The rashes just aren't as bad as previous reactions. I decided my only option is to make soap. Looks like I will be a Kitchen Witch regardless of what I want to study. Books on making soap are all about how fun it is to manufacture cosmetics at home. I think I will be studying my farm books for answers. I need a basic soap formula, please.

We got the cat fixed! Yay! 

Time seems to have sped up. Days fly by. Weeks pass quickly. The weekend comes while I am still processing Mondays. 

I am amazed at how much stuff my house can hold and still be functional. It's like House is growing to accommodate us. She is a good house. Z decided to get a storage unit. Yay. 

Still using my atlas journal. Results are mixed. The spells that haven't worked are the ones where my concentration was shot and I was really pressing the limits of what I had to work with. I need uninterrupted time to do work correctly. 

I made a few decisions about my garden. Mainly, the garden told me what it needs, and I am struggling to the job. Next step is to set up compost piles since the barrels are now full. 

Hooping a lot, though not as much as I would like. Z told me I seemed to be losing a lot of weight. That one comment made me realize I wasn't failing, and it is still fueling me to push on, rather than give up.

Today is the first day of summer. Let go of whatever holds you back. To me, summer is like the full moon. Yes, the moon is full; it is time to dance and celebrate. But almost immediately the moon begins to wan. Then it is time to banish. It is like going to sleep at night. Maybe it was a full day, but we must rest so we will be ready for tomorrow. I banish on the summer solstice. I love summer for its rich growth and endless moments, but I also long for autumn when things are cooler and the darkness never really recedes. Fall is my time of power. I clear my path every summer so I can savor autumn. 

Enjoy your summer day. Blessed be.

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