Wednesday, July 21, 2021



This has been the smartest thing I have ever done regarding my art. This is my bedroom wall and I have created a mini gallery. Seeing these pieces every day enabled me to write artist statements. I always struggled with this before. But seeing my art daily reminded me of what I liked, and why I created the pieces. I was also able to see if the piece needed anything else. I am planning to change the art every month, and each month the art on my wall is also my Facebook cover photo. I figure I have a better chance of selling art if I put it out there.

I have spent the entire day at my computer. I have registered the boys for high school. I put it off because I thought it would be a headache. Surprisingly, it was easy. I think the high school wisely understands parents have other things going on. I registered one boy and then the system asked if I wanted to import information for his brother. Awesome!

For my daughter, I am dealing with an entirely different school system, and I am starting from square 1. They have been difficult and rejected my proof of residency. When I call, they are very helpful, but sadly the helpful folks are not making decisions about paperwork. 

I have also been collecting money for football dues. I have gotten an amazing response. But that means checking Facebook and getting notifications from Venmo hourly. I will be really glad when we reach our goal.

I am still having pain from the car accident that I had in February. My chiropractor says there is nothing else he can do. He has determined that I am 4% disabled. He says insurance companies don't quibble under 5%. But my case is still ongoing because I am seeing another doctor for pain and he hasn't even started treatment. He only comes to my town once a month. I don't see him until August 20. I'm really tired of dealing with the accident. That better be a fat check.

Because I still have pain, I can't sit at my sewing machine for very long. I am not producing much quilted art. I also learned that I can't exercise much. Nor can I garden. Or go on long car rides. I can't even walk too much or pick up anything heavy, because then I will ache miserably. Which means I am going to have a hell of a time cleaning out my studio so I can start doing studio sales.

I have caught up on my reading. 

I have changed up my practice a bit, though I don't have pictures right now. It will probably appear in my Witches & Magick posts, which I am still working on. I haven't gotten very far. I have lots of ideas. Getting those ideas written down is another matter. I hope I will have more free time once school starts which is August 6 for my daughter and August 9 for the boys. 

Since Lammas comes before school, I haven't planned a ritual. I usually skip that one anyway. School is always an issue, though before covid the beginning of August meant preparing for school to start. Now Lammas means everyone is home. Back on the Summer Solstice, I wanted to start a project, but I hadn't worked out how to do it. I have seen knitters knitting one row of a scarf each day in a color that corosponds to the temperature of that day. I don't knit. I decided to do something in plastic canvas but was reluctant to stitch rows because it wouldn't work neatly to filling the canvas by week, month, or year. I thought about doing my inchie project again and making cubes, but that wouldn't work out either. It worked better than one sheet of canvas, but not enough to satisfy me. I think I've figured out the pattern part. And maybe I could get useful/functional art. Maybe. This idea is still floating around. 

I forgot about Tarot Wednesday until I started writing. Obviously I'm not back on track. Just like I'm not on track with anything else in my life.

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