Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Witches & Magick 2020 Day 1

The Wheel has turned yet again to Mabon, and it is time for my Witches & Magick series. This is by far the hardest one I've written. 2020 has been the worst year of my life. And it's not over. And, worse, I fear 2021 won't be an improvement. Even if things turn around for the better, the lingering aftermath of everything that went wrong is still here. There will be more viruses. There will still be both racism and sexism. I would like for this blog to provide useful information, or a little bit of comfort. With everything that has happened so far, that seems like an impossible mission.

But I want to try.
I wish I was this kind of Witch. I'm not. I don't even have that decor. I can't leave my crystal ball out, it will get knocked over. And I don't get time to meditate. The best I can manage is falling into a light trace while rocking in my rocking chair.

I'd like to be this kind of Witch, too. Complexity feels more powerful. I love the circle of runes. I always thought of cast circles as being like a bubble, until I saw Dr. Strange and now I have a real obsession with runes and transmutation circles. Though really, a rune circle doesn't have anymore power than a well cast circle drawn on the ground. But they are fun to make.

I have put a lot of thought into what this series should be. I've thought about the horrors of the world. I've thought about what Witches are shown in films. I've thought about what kind of Magick we need. At times, these few weeks between Mabon and Halloween seem far too short. And then I realize the world needs so much that I don't even know where to start.

So this year I am going to try to give as much as possible. There will still be pictures, but there won't be any days with just pictures; I will give you at least one spell each day. Though don't be surprised that most of them are curses. I will give spells for bringing light, too. But the sad fact is, this is Tower Time when the world falls apart to make room for something better.

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