Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tuesday's Cards

So much happened. I'm not even sure where to start. I can only assume you come here because you're hooked on the soap opera that is my life.

The cards are wild today. Let's start with them and probably memories will rise to the surface.

This was the card left in the box. It's me. Wormwood is a bitter poison. I felt very bitter yesterday. In-laws just invited themselves and a friend over. We thought they were grilling at their house. We were doing a more low-key thing at our house. We had ribs. They were half way done. I was about to start sides. Then in-laws showed up en mass with more food than anyone could eat in a week. Unfortunately, it was uncooked. They delayed dinner by an hour. Why did they come over? We have more room and a grill that works, because we actually maintain our home, instead of leaving things out in the weather. After dinner, mother-in-law gleefully "apologized" for crashing our party. I told her we weren't having a party because it was the last day of Will's vacation, and every day he had been doing for others, so we wanted a quiet dinner at home. I think she finally realized how intrusive it was, but I don't think she cared. It just kills me that after 50 years of living in the South, they still do not understand Southern etiquette, nor have they ever put any effort towards it.
I tried to focus and pick more cards, but a bundle fell out. Urgh. More issues.
This was the farthest card away. This is the first winged creature I've gotten that wasn't pinned down. I hope this doesn't mean freedom is forever out of reach.
First bundle starts off with a dragon, yay, and then has a few cards I've been seeing a lot lately. So things will improve, but same shit, different day.
Oh look, more chaos is coming.
The next bundle. A spider between two grim reapers is strange, and I'm not sure if I should work with Grandmother Spider, or be wary of getting caught in a web of lies.
Still more bundles. All skulls. Hmmm. Someone is brooding obsessively.
Another skull, but dragon and a knight, so I guess the middle son is brooding and his behavior pushes the youngest son into action. We had a 14 year old boy acting like a greedy 4 year old because he refused to share the one pair of goggles when we went swimming, which resulted in said immature child sitting by himself while the rest of us were in the pool.
And finally, a dragon that's a 7. Obviously, eventually, everything ends well for me.

Now I thought I was done. That's all the cards. But several cards fell down in the recliner. And no, I didn't even try to read those. I'm tired. Enough already.

I put the whole deck in order, to be sure I picked up all the cards, and none were missing. That is when I realized I have a red joker, and a black joker. I had not noticed this before. I wonder if that represents internal and external problems. I'll try to pay attention to which one I get from now on.

Other things going on that are not in the cards:
I manifested a goal using writing Magick, so I am very pleased with myself. I sold a quilt on Facebook! Yay! I have another manifesting spell I want to try, and I am eager to get started.

While getting ready to go swimming, I discovered my bikini was too small. Wal-Mart would not let me try one on. Nor would they let me return a swimsuit that didn't fit. Target wouldn't let me try one on either, but they did say I could return it. The one I grabbed fit perfectly. It's green, which looks good on me. My husband loves it. Even better, for once my mostly Irish ass remembered sunblock, so I didn't burn!

Con should get out of jail today. For once, he didn't do anything wrong. Lee County picked him up on a charge he already served, then processed the charge like it was new, which looked like a parole violation. I will probably have to go get him. I'm not sure I can refrain from cussing out a deputy.

Not sure how much truth is in it, but I've heard Alabama is letting parents decide if children will return to school, or stay home for online learning. I'd like to separate the boys. One of them would fair better at school and the other would be less distracted at home. My daughter is returning to her school because she needs to be with her peers.

I've been doing a lot of Magick in the studio, and I think it's paying off. Little too soon to tell, but I feel good about the progress being made. I have a Stitch Witch post in the works that is nearly all Magick, so stay tuned.

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