Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Monday Updates

I am absolutely lost on political news, or whatever the fuck you want to call it, because it's hard to find an actual newsworthy story in the muck. Apparently, our dickhead in chief has revealed his true character, again, and people defend him, again. I don't understand it at all. If these are the people who have been voting, it's no wonder the world is so screwed up.

My nephew got out of the hospital, but we still don't know what's wrong. Mostly the tests ruled out possibilities instead of giving answers. He's being treated for Still's disease. He is better, but no where close to good health.

We are having problems with trespassing thieves on Mom's property. I had a rough weekend because of it. Sunday and Monday I bought a lot of fence posts and barbwire. I did a Tarot reading. The solution is to awaken the land. I haven't done much work of this nature, so it all seems overwhelming. But I should get several blog posts out of it.

My neighbor is being a pest. I've decided I should establish stronger boundaries on my own property.

I have some things I really want to do with art, but the stress of trying to fix problems are preventing me from getting work done. Today, I will be checking on a possible selling venue. I don't have much hope for it. But if I don't check possibilities I will never progress.

Behavior issues have taken a turn. I think I caught it as it started to happen before serious damage was done. I don't know that I made any difference.

My studio is a mess. I am trying to clean and organise. I feel like everything is stacked against me. That is literal truth. My husband's tools are in my studio. Every time he sends the boys to put tools away, they stack them by the door, on my work table, pile them on the floor, or toss them beside the studio where the tools weather badly.

Still studying runes. Still trying to formulate a stitch Magick practice that works for me. Still using mirrors. Trying to get outside every day to connect with my land. Not always successful. This is probably why awakening the land at Mom's seems so overwhelming.

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