Saturday, March 16, 2019

How My Practice Works

I am so pleased I got my infinity loop spell to work that I just have to share. It was really bothering me when the energy stalled. I still do not have an answer as to why light is essential. Spacing is also important. More on this in a minute.
I have placed some of my Witchcraft tools on my bulletin board. Can you tell the difference between spell, notes, and art? No? Awesome! Sometimes hidden in plain sight is best.
This is a giant, retro, owl ash tray. My niece gave him to me. I charge jewelry here. Now we are to the spacing that I mentioned earlier. See the triangle? Those are 3 mirrors sewn into plastic canvas. I was trying to bend time. I have done this before. I read about the spell in the book Advanced Witchcraft. Controlling the points in time that you wish to alter is tricky. I thought if I had my mirrors positioned more exactly I could create a tool that would allow me to change anything without the trouble of setting up mirrors. And keeping them upright. You need 3 mirrors that reflect each other. Last time I did this spell my mirrors fell over. Inside the plastic canvas they do nothing. Evidently the mirrors are too close together. I'm going to take them apart. Part of the problem is that I am using very small craft mirrors. Finding the balance between secrecy and practicality is tricky. But I learned from the experience and now I know what doesn't work. I'm going to try making individual frames for the mirrors.
I started writing my 55/5 spell in this small notepad. (Writing my desire 55 times for 5 days straight.) I thought the pages were going to be too small, but it works out nicely. Apparently I use how ever much paper I have rather than what I need. Meaning I could probably make all 55 sentences fit on a single sheet. Useful to know if there's ever a paper shortage.
The infinity loop spell. I found a good flat piece of quartz, but haven't drawn a sigil because I couldn't decide what would be best. I'm using a dragon charm and runes. Still propping open the box with clothes pins. I simply open my sewing box each day, then spend a few minutes directing energy. When the sewing box is closed, my spell is still set up and undisturbed. If I start to worry about my life, I come back to my box. I was taught early on to do a spell and forget it. I think that is utter bullshit. We are our thoughts. We do not forget what we really want. Stressing is bad. That attaches negative energy. I see no problem with repeating a spell, especially if that action helps to calm your mind. I understand anything worthwhile requires more than one step. I usually work spells over the course of several days. I see this as correctly and carefully building the necessary energy needed. Working spells over a series of consecutive days also gives me enough time to do the mundane associated with the goal. Do it and forget it has never made sense to me.
Because the clothes pins have made my box so much bigger, I had to move some tools. I use this mirror to turn back negative energy. I discovered fidget spinners can produce interesting results. I'm using the mirror, the fidget spinner, and crystal as a protection spell. I imagine myself surrounded by white light as I chant, I stand in circles of spinning light that no evil may cross. Unfortunately, I think I will need this spell as long as I live next door to my in-laws.
My spindles moved to a sewing machine drawer. I spin money. Not spin money out of thin air (honestly I think that saying came about because a lack of oxygen causes hallucinations), but I think about what bills are due and how much money we need. We haven't run out of money or been overdrawn since I started doing this. I'm trying to think of money as energy. There's more money in this world than I can conceive of, so surely there is enough for me and my family. I try to think about wants as well as needs. I want to live well, not just scrape by.

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