Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A Few More Updates

I certainly sense an energy with the mirrors in the infinity loop spell now. I think I will put a flat crystal with a sigil between the mirrors, but I haven't found one that really appeals to me yet. I've also thought of using objects such as keys, shells, feathers, or even animal figures. I want to figure out what will work best for me.

I finished "Weave the Liminal" I liked the book overall, but I was disappointed in places because I felt like she just glossed over things without getting to important details. I may trade the book for something else.

I read Tarot yesterday. I need a deck for art projects. I settled on one of my steampunk decks. I plan to read every Friday. I want to make more elaborate things, more beautiful things.

Still doing my 55/5 spell. I have been writing in my journal, but it uses up a lot of pages. I decided to do the spell in a separate notebook. As best as I can tell, writing every day makes me think of details or ways to achieve my goal. There is a "boost" where things seem to happen without any help from me. Increased social media attention, for example. Going to keep using the spell and apply it other things.

No major drama has come about. Small things have happened, but when I sense things are becoming tense I leave. I am not stressed. Nothing is happening to me. Drama is happening to other family members. They can keep it.

Still drawing a rune once a week. Still have a few left. I haven't really applied the runes like I thought I would. Decided to draw until they're gone, then draw one a day and meditate on what each rune means to me. After that, I will try using them in spells. And then I will try bind runes. This will take a very long time, possibly years. I don't mind the time commitment. I believe slow and steady is the key to mastery.

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