Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Studio Part II

Since deciding that I would come out here at least once a day and do something, things have really sped up.

Monday, I decided to get rid of my cameras. I have a cabinet full and I haven't used any of them in 20 years. I posted on Facebook, asking if anyone was interested. In less than 10 minutes my cousin claimed them all. All the cameras are in this box and bag, ready for her to pick them up.
Now I have a cabinet to store art equipment in. This frees up space on my work table.

Tuesday's project was to make this metal cabinet into yarn storage.
I was keeping yarn in this big box, but it's hard to find certain colors sometimes. I think this box will be better suited for shipping materials. I really don't like having to pull the box out and dig for yarn.
My mother had a doctor's appointment this morning. I was storing plastic canvas here, but it was a lot of wasted space. Before taking Mom to the eye doctor, I cleaned out the cabinet and called dragons to bless it. Red dragons, small and fiery, are what are working with me. I love them. I was expecting green as I sew for money, but red answer the call.
When I got home I started moving yarn. To my surprise it all fit with plenty of room left over. I can now see everything I have. I also put my Tarot cards here. They are in the black box. I'd like something different, something where I can see all the decks, but this will do for now. It's out of prying eyes. I may down size a deck or two. I haven't decided yet. Some decks I own because I couldn't find what I wanted so I bought that deck because it was close. I have 2 steampunk decks. I was finally able to get what I wanted later, but the first steampunk deck gave accurate readings. I don't know. Still wavering.
This box held balls of yarn, but I think it will become a studio altar. It goes nicely with my other cabinet. Maybe the dragons can live here.

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