Monday, August 20, 2018

Magick Monday- the Most Wonderful Time of Year

It's never too early to think about Halloween decorations.
You can add a little love.
Simple is often best.
Of course, over the top is way cool.
A Witch's job is to turn the Wheel.
Halloween is great time to acquire new tools.
Get as crafty as you like.
I love the colors of this season.
Indoors take on a special air.
I love that Morticia is just calmly knitting in her pink living room.
Jack o lanterns!
Simple spooky.
There's no such thing as too many cauldrons.
Plastic bones done right!


fluffy said...

Hi, I'm sorry I haven't commented recently we have been on holiday (vacation). I am so sorry to hear about Sophie, but glad you have managed to keep her close to you. I loved this post about halloween. I have been feeling rather strange lately, off kilter and can't wait for the season to really change.

Your art work is looking good, love the fox. The painted spiral reminds me of the wheel of fortune card in the fey tarot deck, (my favourite go to deck), it was really evocative of mystery and atmosphere (can't explain myself very well).

Hope the home schooling goes ok.

Love Fluffy

FreeDragon said...

I was wondering why you weren't commenting! Hope you had a nice vacation!

I've been feeling a bit odd myself. I feel as though something is building but it's either going to be anticlimactic or hit at the wrong moment. There's a lingering disappointment but nothing devastating. Whatever it is, I don't like it.