Monday, July 9, 2018

Magick Monday

My husband promised my daughter if she behaved he would buy her a present. He bought bubbles.

She couldn't quite get the required air flow, so I blew bubbles while she squealed with excitement. She did discover that she could wave the wand and produce a couple of bubbles.

The novelty wore off once she saw her brothers with water guns. She's a good shot for a toddler.

I thought about how pretty, yet fragile bubbles are. Bubbles are two elements, air and water. If you're a smoker, you can blow smoke filled bubbles which adds fire and gives them a haunted, mystic look. I wanted some spell. There must be a very good magickal use for bubbles.

I decided they were best suited for balancing thoughts (air) and emotions (water). I think the best time to blow bubbles is when logically you know you must do something, but your feelings get in the way. Maybe you have cavities but are afraid of the dentist. Blow bubbles until you are calm. Think of what you want to achieve then blow. When the bubble pops your spell is released. Wave the bubble wand wildly and see beauty born of chaos. Put dye in the mix. Add extra soap for cleansing. Light a cigarette and blow smoke for a haunting glamour spell. Add essential oil for burst of earthly scent. Magick is best when it is fun.

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