Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Oops- Magick Monday on Tuesday

It seems I have run out of scheduled posts, so there's an upcoming project for me.

I am enjoying these, though I don't have much time to write.

I started home schooling my children. I started the first day of summer. The first day went very well. It hasn't gone well since because everyone is working against me. I decided to do something every day, even if it was just one thing. Everyone else has the attitude of do nothing on a weekend. I don't think weekend is relevant to year round schooling. There is also the erroneous idea that they can stop any time to do whatever grandma wants because since it isn't real school they won't miss anything. Setting boundaries with a 62 year old is just as frustrating as you can imagine.

As for the Magick part, I saw something that has really stuck with me- be the Witch that you are.

It's really a simple concept, but I keep thinking about it. I have been wondering who I am, if I like me, if I want to change anything, and does everything seem to be working? For the most part, I think all the answers are positive, but then why the lack of self assurance? I believe it is because I ask myself many of these same questions about my art. I like what I do, but I see room for improvement.

I think I would like a little more grandeur, things made not only very well, but with style. Being a closet Witch, I don't have pretty bottles to store herbs or stylish stitches on bags or grand antique trunks filled with swords. I'm not sure how to make my Craft more splendid when Magick is in mundane chores. But it is an intriguing challenge to accept.


fluffy said...

what an appropriate post for me to read. I was thinking exactly the same thing myself, I said to my husband yesterday (Tuesday), that I wanted to make the house more "witchy", instead of my stuff being hidden in a cupbaord. I said it was because I wanted to be more me, but was not sure how to. My husband just said, "well start being you then!" it was so obvious, like your statement "be the witch you want to be". Sometimes I am not sure who that is, but I aim to find out!.

By the way, good luck with the homeschooling it sounds very difficult.

Love fluffy

FreeDragon said...

It sounds so simple, doesn't it? But I think very few of us know who we really are. And we don't live unaffected by others or by circumstance. I have lots of things in my house that aren't really me, but the furniture was free, or that was what would everything, or I just had to make do with what was available.

Home school has improved some what- I stopped planning so much and moved lessons to later in the day. We're doing weather reports each day, have learned about hurricanes, are reading "A Wrinkle in Time" and our math is very real world. Yesterday we rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Rather than struggling to make the boys write, most of our lessons are verbal, meaning they have to listen/pay closer attention. They are becoming more focused and ADD is less of a problem.