Thursday, December 7, 2017

A Reading

I drew 4 cards from my Anne Stokes deck, then drew the same 4 from the Dark Hearts deck for comparison and clarity. I believe the 9 of diamonds is telling me to be on guard.

I believe the king of spades is about moving into the light. I think this represents a deliberate step forward and making an effort not to wallow in darkness.

I think the 6 of spades is literally being on point. Staying focused and doing things perfectly.

3 of hearts seems to be about making sure someone knows they are loved.

Right now I'm trying to stay in the moment and not let other people bring me down. I got 7 views on my Facebook artist page. I'm assuming this is because my personal account is private and that's the only thing people can look at. We are having problems with one of the younger boys stealing cell phones to play games. I think he may also be contacting his biological mother online. When I mentioned my suspicions to oldest son he said that she had sent him a friend request. And suddenly it makes sense why oldest son's phone was taken 3 times in 2 weeks. We made a change in sleeping arrangements, oldest son put a password on his phone, and we are making the younger child drink camomile tea at dinner, then take melatonin at bed time. I believe he slept through the night last night rather then staying up to 3am downloading games.

His counselor has devised a new line of attack. We will be discussing his new therapy tomorrow and he will go to counseling more often. I think if we can ensure he actually sleeps at night most of the problems will disappear. At the very least, he won't fail because he's falling asleep in class.

We decided the boys shouldn't have any contact with their mother. She causes too much anguish.

There's not much else I can do, besides do protective Magick, turn back negative energy, and focus on positive intentions. This is one of those dark times I just have to work through.

On the flip side, my in-laws are being much more supportive. It was my mother-in-law who gave me the tea and she wants to talk to the counselor because she believes we need to all work together to help our boy.

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