Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Prayer Flags

We are about a week from Thanksgiving so I am trying to clear off my kitchen island. We aren't hosting Thanksgiving dinner, but there will be extra people in the house during that time. I really don't like people moving my stuff around so I decided the only solution was to put everything up. Of course, I would rather finish projects. This morning I hung up my prayer flags.
Prayer flags are simply small flags with prayers written on them. Sometimes they have symbols or religious icons. It is thought each time the flag moves in the wind that the prayer travels to heaven. It is also thought that the people who live nearby benefit from the prayers even if they have never read the flags. I made these flags when we first moved into the big house. I strung them on a cord and hung them on the porch. They got badly twisted. I decided the solution was for each flag to be on its own dowel rod. About the time I decided to use rods we moved into our current house. And my prayer flags were pretty much forgotten in the bottom of my project box. I put them on the island a month ago. Last night I finally remembered to ask my husband to drill holes.
I used fishing line and wooden beads. I didn't measure anything. The goal was just to get the flags off the island.
I hung my prayer flags on my studio.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

That's a neat way to hang the flags. I will have to keep that in mind for next year. I also enjoyed your post from last Thursday.