Sunday, September 24, 2017

Stitch Witch Day 3- Prosperity Cube Part 2

This time I was smart enough to take my pendulum with me.
I quickly realized my problem. This container holds embroidery floss. There's a few 100 shades. I asked yes or no about groups of color. I thought I'd get brown and then I could hold the pendulum over a particular floss. It gave me black. So that was easy.
I took all the black with me. I think this is enough  (probably more than enough ) to do the background. I will sew the cube together with the same green I used for 5 of the stars. I believe this helps to tie the spell together. 
I cut my floss, then smoothed it between my fingers while chanting: everyone can reach their full potential. 
As I secured the thread, I said, There is always the potential for more wealth. 
Finished background for the yellow star.
Just a side note- I stored this project in a zip lock sandwich bag. If you are so inclined, empower the bag. You may want to draw sigils to increase your magick.
Completed stars ready to be sewn together.
2 pieces joined. I usually sew these in pairs. Sometimes I sew 3 pieces together because that gives me the two halves of the cube to join. No matter how you do it, there will be at least one difficult section to stitch. I recommend trying several ways to determine which is easier for you.
Sewing by threes.
Two halves ready to become one. Before I can sew the cube together, I need something to go inside. Dice and large marbles work very well. The purpose of the inner object is support. Without it,  the cube can collapse. This is an excellent opportunity for magick. Just remember that the object won't be seen and once the cube is complete the object cannot be removed. Crystals are a good choice. I don't recommend paper, but fabric would work. Even better would be writing something on the fabric before inserting into the cube.
Partially sewn cube.
Finished cube! This will now go into my magick box for 3 days for a final empowerment. It will be left in a public place for someone to find. That's how I give magick to the world.

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