Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October Second

I am SO LOVING this month! The air has a completely different feel- it's chilly, smoky-scented, brisk, energizing,....and something I can't explain! I can feel energy all around me and I usually do not feel earth energy unless I am connecting to a ley line. It's a wonderful time.

So! Back to being the witch of this place:
I have gourds drying in the store room. A storm blew down the cages supporting the vines. The plants were damaged, thus I was forced into an early harvest. I have no idea if these will dry out properly because they were not mature to begin with. We'll see. I've already got a better plan for next spring. Maybe I'll get more than two gourds!
My little dragons on the window sill. They're so cute!
As promised, the revamped bottle tree. I still haven't gotten the painted bottles right.
Aloes. I've tried this 'flower tower' thing twice and it never comes out exactly right.
We made a 'tent' for the dogs. Eventually, it will be filled with hay. It holds heat surprisingly well. Kurt was sweating has he hung the cloth.
Our home-made fire pit, currently filled with the hateful shrubbery I hacked up on Saturday.
And here's the fence. Yeah. Ugly. I want to clear out the rest of the brush and weeds, paint, have straight fence, and finally, plant rose bushes.
Last but not least, I started this yesterday because the rain kept me in all day. This needlework is based on a quilt block called 'bear paw.' Bear is one of my totems. The finished piece will be framed and kept on my altar.

In other goings on, my neck pain is easing off. I don't need the firm pillow when I sleep, but I have woken up stiff and sore once. I only take pain meds once or twice a day.

Yesterday it rained. And rained and rained and rained with a tornado warning. I had a pile of laundry. Nothing would dry. The dryer ran constantly. Sometimes I don't know how people lived without modern appliances. What a struggle it must have been to wash clothes when there was no dryers and the only heat came from a fire which caused the clothes to stink.

My mother is friends with a local store owner so I hit him up to sell some of my bags. Mom likes to be needed, so I let her handle the deal and I am still waiting to see what he said. Tonight, I have a meeting with another local shop and they may (or may not) buy from me.

Kurt is going through a series of interviews for a job with the sheriff's department. The pay will be pretty good, but it is a long process, and (sigh), the policeman I used to date will be his boss. I told him because I don't want a nasty surprise later, and Kurt says he's cool, but I am still nervous. Awkward!

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