Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Only Way I Can See You, Darling, Is In My Dreams

I haven't said anything about Mr. Dragon.

The first reason being, I'm not dating him anymore. I'm with Kurt.

The second reason being, I haven't seen him in well over a month and a half. The Friday before the plant shut down in June was the last time I was physically with him. I've talked to him once on the phone since then. He didn't come back to work because of a spider bite on his foot, and then he had complications from the bite, and then I quit my job.

You may remember, Mr. Dragon has a thing with astral projection- not only did he come to me in dreams, but a few times I actually woke up and saw him in my bedroom.

It was really silly of me to assume his nocturnal appearances would stop. Mr. Dragon definitely has a talent for astral projection. But I don't think he has control of it. Or, heck, maybe he does and that's why I see him so much.

He appeared in my dream last night. In the dream, he was driving his truck and he had a load of lumber. I am taking this to symbolize he is rebuilding his life. I think that's great. I want him to be happy. But why is he showing up now? I did have another dream with him in it, but the details are fuzzy. That's how the pattern goes, first he appears in my dreams, each time getting a little clearer or taking a more active role, until dreams start being about him, and then suddenly he's standing where he shouldn't.

Stay tuned. I have a feeling more is to come.

1 comment:

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

Sometimes people have a connection to us and that never goes away even if the relationship changes. For instance I have an ex-fiance whom I only catch up with every couple of months or so but when there is crap in his life I always get the urge to call. I texted his wife the day her mom passed, I called teh day after his sister tried to commit suicide and just two days ago I texted his dad and then him and his parents are going through some heavy stuff.

Sometimes connections are connections that transcend the physical and tangible relationships of the current life time.