Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Been Poking Right Along

I am almost finished with my star sampler that will decorate the back of my cookbook.
Remember, the purpose was to try out new techniques and use up the floss overflowing from my poor little over-stuffed sewing box. Which I can't shut. You can see the box in the corner of my bedroom.
Here's the first star. I started it because I was bored. Then the rest of the canvas needed to be filled...don't ever be bored, you'll get waist deep in a project before you know it.
Then I made this funky star. I used black and white to match my new kitchen floor. I added crescent moons for a witchy kick. I was going to use metallic floss as the background for all the moons. Until I actually started using it. I hate metallic floss. It always looks so beautiful in the store. I admire it, think this is the perfect angel wing/dragon scales/magic sparkle/unicorn horn...and then...once it is in my house it DOES NOT behave. It pills, tangles, knots, lumps up, attracts dust, dirt, hair, and other floating fibers, and absolutely, positively REFUSES to be threaded properly into any needle. Grrrrr.
Kurt is calling this the 'Jamacain Star' because he thinks it looks like the Jamaican flag.
I was going to put the other half of the Jamaican star here, but that's what everyone else would do, right? I can't be predictable. I'm making small stars with variegated black/gray floss. I'll make the background colorful. I like these little stars, they remind me of blackbirds.

And yes, that is plastic canvas. I'm still waiting for plastic canvas to get out of the dorky summer camp projects and become retro hip. I may be waiting a long, long time. I don't know why everyone insists on tissue box covers. Why can't anyone see better possibilities? Why?!

I also decided to try my hand at designing. I found a free cross stitch pattern maker (as opposed to the $50 software available at the big box craft store). I have made a few designs, but I haven't stitched them yet. If they turn out well, as in easy to read, all the rows get printed out, and I can make models in a reasonable amount of time, then I will submit my designs to needlework magazines.

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