Friday, August 24, 2012

Out, out, out

Kurt went off to work today. Yay! I finally have time to myself!

Don't get me wrong, I like having a man around the house...I just don't want him here every freakin' minute. Really, it's okay to have activities that don't involve me. I won't mind.

I have noticed that he takes over anything I do. I don't mean he bosses me around, I mean he gets involved until somehow it's all about him. For instance, if I cook when he is at work, when he comes home, he eats. If I start cooking when he is here, he gets in my way, asks what I am cooking, makes suggestions, prefers some other food, snacks on ingredients thus not leaving enough for my dish, until finally, I have deviated from my menu entirely.

Or sewing. I will plan to work at a certain time. Being that he is a normal male, he cannot see anything in front of his face. So he can't find something, or ten somethings, and I get up 15 times to first find the item, and then to demonstrate how it works. By the time I get him settled into whatever, he'll decide to go to the store and he wants me to go, and heck, I might as well because I'm not getting anything accomplished anyway.

I really think this is why traditionally the men go off to work and the women stay home. It's not a man conquering the world thing, it's women needing to do facials, wanting to create art, and just wishing that after she spent all morning cleaning the house would stay clean.

When our roles were reversed and I went to work while he stayed home, I could tell what he had done all night. Shoes in front of couch, bag of chips on coffee table, empty cup by computer, dirty dishes on counter, and, the one that bothered me the most, sweaty t-shirt on dinning room table. I have laundry baskets in the kitchen, the bathroom, and the bedroom. No matter where he goes, he will walk by at least one laundry basket. But after he cuts grass, he's hot, and as he walks to the back of the house, he takes off his shirt and tosses it onto the surface where we eat our meals. Yes, Honey, you need to go work a long shift far away from this house.

But today I get the computer as long as I want it. The television is NOT on. I can paint my nails. I may read something. I think I'd like to be at the sewing machine for a while. And I'm almost finished with my cookbook spine:
I'm using cream for the background because I have a lot of it. I'm going to add purple seed beads and a dragon charm. That's my mandala coloring book behind the canvas. I think some of the designs MAY translate well to needlepoint. Thankfully I have some time today to sketch. I don't like for anyone to know my ideas until I have the bugs worked out.
Now I'm off to Pinterest :)