Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I have cleaned out the sewing room closet. By some miracle, I managed to create more space. I put most of my sewing projects up and now I can actually sit in my chair. I finished stages (not projects) of using up the plastic canvas- as in I finished box sides or tops. I'm trying to leave some wiggle room in case the projects I envision have design flaws.

I cleaned out my sewing machine. And then I did Something Necessary. I went through my Granny's bobbin box and threw out the rusty bobbins. Don't tell anybody because my mother would freak if she knew I threw away something that belonged to my Granny, even if the item isn't any good any more. Shhhh.

I think I am ready to start on my cookbook's spine. I am still working on a model for my design to submit for publishing. I think I want a basket to keep sewing projects in while I'm not working on them, something to keep everything together and maybe it could be a place where magick could happen. I already have the basket, but it's full of magazines. I'm hesitating on what to do with the magazines because I do want to keep them, but I'm afraid if I put them on the coffee table, they will become foot props, coasters, and bug swatters. Then they'll be dirty, wet, and ruined. I have a few plastic magazine holders, but not enough. While they're in limbo, my sewing projects have been resting on my altar. Which is okay, but sometimes I don't want anyone to sew what I'm working on so I need my basket!

I have been Pinterest like a drug addict on crack. Today I discovered the gardening category. OMG. I want to run around my yard creating cool things NOW! I don't think I have enough things in my house to repurpose into all the cool shit I like. BTW, the yard and garden looks great. I just want a whole lot more of it. And I want it to be autumn like last week. Sunday and Monday we slept without the air conditioning. Last night it was just too hot and it's hot today too. I keep forgetting it's August.

This Saturday, Kurt is taking me to a concert in Montgomery. It's free for us because he is a life-time member of Buckmasters. It's some kind of hunting expo thing, and he said we could get there early to look at the exhibits before the concert. I hope this isn't some kind of boring redneck fest. If it is I will drag him to three quilt shows.

We still don't have much money. He is working, but I'm not. He started a great job last week, but doesn't get paid until Friday and then he won't make much because he started at the end of the week. (He had the quit his other job because he's allergic to the material he was working with. It was sort of like fiberglass, but when he described it, it sounded like asbestos. I'm glad he isn't working there anymore.) He also has a part-time job lined up for football season. We will have good money coming in soon, it's just not happening right at this moment. I am not worrying about it. I am cooking, gardening, sewing, being witchy and keeping my sugar in an excellent range.

I'm getting a little disenchanted with Etsy. I don't think anyone actually makes good money off the site. I say this because on my favorites, whenever something sells, I remove it from the list. I rarely have anything to remove. I have four pages of favorites. So that's like what, 80, 100 items from around 75 to 100 shops? (I'm too lazy to go see how many items are on a page.) Anyway, I would expect to update my favorites a good bit because I like lots of things, in various categories, for various uses- witchy, cooking, art, just for pretty, and these items are from many why are they not selling? Even from the shops which have a large number of sales, the items are just sitting there. I get lots of traffic, but no one ever makes a purchase. I think the site has just gotten too big. There are millions of sellers and the competition is too fierce. It is exceedingly difficult to stand out. No matter what I think of, and I think of a lot of weird stuff when I make a treasury list, I can always find at least three pages of whatever I want. If the item is popular, I can find 30 pages. I want to find a new market for what I make, but I don't want to completely give up Etsy because I DO love it- I just think it's better for the shoppers than the merchants.

I think it's about to rain which is awesome because I love storms. There is no better time to be a kitchen witch than when the wind howls.


Kat of EmKatCreations said...

Rock on with your doings and your last line is perfect!

FreeDragon said...
