Saturday, June 2, 2012

Reading the Cards

Did a general reading today because I'm wondering where the winds of change will leave me. I got some really interesting cards. I'm not going to talk about what I saw, but I will say BIG CHANGE coming and some things are not what they appear to be. Of all the cards in the reading, this was my favorite:
I love me some dragons! I think this card represents the need for me to focus on sewing because it reminds me of these:
see them on etsy

I love these coasters. I think Mr. Dragon would think they're cool and if we ever reside together, I'm going to buy them. Or I may just buy them for myself since I am wanting to 'feather my nest.'

I think I need to have a set routine for sewing because I can go days (maybe weeks) without making a single stitch. I get up every morning, take care of my dogs, check on my plants, then eat and take insulin UNLESS I wake up with a low sugar and then, sorry guys, I come first. Otherwise I won't be able to take care of anything else. I think after I take my insulin, I should sit down with my other needle. I have planned lots of crafting/sewing activities for vacation, but I really need to start sewing before then. This next week needs to be prep time. I'm much more likely to sit at the sewing machine when everything is cut out and ready to go. Starting at the very beginning, choosing fabric, ironing, drafting the pattern, selecting thread, cutting pieces, pinning- is daunting.

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