Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Weekend Conglomeration

I've been doped up on allergy pills all weekend. If I start typing incoherently just deal it, okay?

'Conglomeration' is a word my mother often says to describe a supper made up of whatever she needed to cook before it spoiled. Conglomeration suppers always occur on the same day she cleaned out the fridge. I used to think it was a word she just made up. I think of conglomeration as being a bunch of things that don't go together, but separately they have little or no use.

The reoccurring theme this weekend is babies.

I have pumpkin, sunflower, and gourd babies.

Herb babies.
Someone let a puppy out here. I named her Queen. She is very skittish and I can't get within 10 feet of her. When she is alone, she sits out in the yard like she owns it. When I come out, she hides under the truck. Can't just anybody be granted an audience with the Queen. Halona plays with her, but Sophie the Guard Dog hasn't made up her mind yet.

I turned my sewing table around. I'm going to hang peg board on this side so I'll have a place to store my gabillion spools of thread. The peg board will also hide my junk  storage space.

This is my crystal ball. Because I had so much success with it Thursday, I decided to try using it on a regular basis. I am currently manifesting this star:
Manifesting with the ball is easy. I visualize what I want in the ball, then I push my visualization to the physical plain. The star is working up quickly with almost no mistakes. The problem with these stars is one stitch out of place will throw off the whole design. There is no fudge room. It's either right or it's not. If you want to try manifesting, you don't need a crystal ball. Any crystal will do.

That's about it for my weekend. Hope you enjoyed yours.

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