Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Garden Post

Ran out of bird seed. Instead of 'chirp' the birds ought to say 'oink'.
Lovely green.

Irises planted the length of my house. I had no idea they were all yellow.
I don't know what these little flowers are, but I think they're charming. Bees love them.

Bees also love my snap dragons. The bed needs a little attention. I haven't done much with them. Snaps seem to be fairly hardy, so if you are looking for a beginning gardener plant, this is a safe bet.
My mum lived through the winter. Now it faces the much more difficult task of surviving the Alabama summer.

The porch is crowded because the aloes were starting to blister in the sun. It's not even that hot yet and most days are cloudy.

I planted pumpkin seeds.

In a few more days, this bush will be covered with plastic Easter eggs.

And now I leave you with a picture that has nothing to do with gardening: